Page 1: Daniela Sagüez Portafolio

Daniela SagüezPortafolio Diseño Industrial

Page 2: Daniela Sagüez Portafolio

Se ve el diseño como una manera de representar al usuario por medio de los objetos, creando formas nuevas, diferentes, atractivas e innovadoras, llenas de color para llamar rápidamente la atención del usuario. Conectarse con las tendencias actuales, ser conciente con el medio ambiente, sin generar basura, sino aprovecharse de esta, pero sin dejar de lado la importancia de la estética.

Design can be seen as a way to represent things to the consumer by means of objects. Creating new, different, attractive, and innovative forms, full of color to quickly call the attention of the user.Connecting with the present day tendencies, to be conscious of the environment, without generating waste, but rather taking advantage of it, but without losing the importance of estetic appeal.

Daniela SagüezDiseñadora Industrial

Page 3: Daniela Sagüez Portafolio

Star rackPerchero dirigido a un público juvenil que agrupa todo tipo de accesorios que la persona requiera.

Concepto: Ordenador juvenil.

Material: Madera, alambre y espejo.

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Star rackA rack targeted towards a teenage market that holds all types of accesories that a person requires.

Concept: Teenage organizer.

Material: Wood, wire, and mirror.

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NRE2Basado en el método montessori, consiste en que el niño pueda reconocer formas y con ayuda de encajes. Construido con procesos productivos ecológicos.

Concepto: Aprendizaje didáctico.

Material: Madera pino y cuerdas de algodón.

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Based on the montessori method, this consists of children being able to recognize forms with the help of slots. It is constructed using an ecologically productive process.

Concept: Didactic learning.

Material: Pine and cotton rope.

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Automaton game for children six years and up, that stimulates the capacity to react and use fine motor skills. The majority of it is constructed using materials that are not harmful to the environment.

Concept: Agile movement.

Material: Wood.

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Koralli LampRepresenta una especie marina que crece del coral, esta construida en su totalidad con piezas existentes en el mercado como copas plásticas y luces navideñas.

Concepto: Composición natural.

Material: Plástico y luces navideñas.

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Koralli Lamp

This represents a marine species that is born from coral, it is entirerly constructed of parts which can be found in the market like plastic cups and christmas lights.

Concept: Natural composition.

Material: Plastic and christmas lights.

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Soft holderDirigido a un publico sofisticado atrayendo al usuario con la simpleza en su forma y transparente materialidad.

Concepto: Sofisticada sinuosidad.

Material: Acrílico 4mm.

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Soft holderTargeted towards a sophisticated public attracting the user with a its Simplicity in form and use of transparent material.

Concept: Sophisticated sinuosity.

Material: 4mm acrylic.

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Contenedor de papel higiénico con doble función, que guarda 2 rollos de papel además del que se encuentra en uso. Construido con formas armónicas y atractivas para el usuario, mas un revistero como segunda función.

Concepto: Simple y Practico.

Material: Acrílico 4mm.

Cont -paper

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Cont -paper

This toilet paper holder has two funtions, it can be used to hold two rolls of toilet paper as well as a third in use. It is constructed with a harmonic and atractive form for the user, as well as being able to hold a magazine as its second function.

Concept: Simple and practical.

Material: 4mm acrylic.