Download pdf - Ingles 2

  • InglsSegundo Ao

  • Hugo Rafael Chvez FrasComandante Supremo de la Revolucin Bolivariana

    Nicols Maduro MorosPresidente de la Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela

    Jorge Alberto Arreaza Montserrat Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de la Repblica Bolivariana

    de Venezuela

    Maryann del Carmen Hanson FloresMinistra del Poder Popular para la Educacin

    Maigualida del Valle Pinto IriarteViceministra de Programas de Desarrollo Acadmico

    Trina Aracelis ManriqueViceministra de Participacin y Apoyo Acadmico

    Conrado Jess Rovero MoraViceministro para la Articulacin de la

    Educacin Bolivariana Viceministro de Desarrollo para la Integracin de la

    Educacin Bolivariana

    Maigualida del Valle Pinto Iriarte Directora General de Currculo

    Neysa Yrama NavarroDirectora General (E) de Educacin Media y Tcnica

    InglsSegundo Ao

    Nivel de Educacin Media del Subsistema de Educacin Bsica

    Prohibida la reproduccin total o parcial de este material sin autorizacin del Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educacin


    Ministerio del Poder Popular para la

    Caracas, Distrito Capital

    Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educacin, 2013Primera edicin: Mayo 2013

    Tiraje: 400.000 ejemplaresDepsito Legal: lf1620134281728

    ISBN: 978-980-218-362-3Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela

    Coordinacin General de la Coleccin BicentenarioMaryann del Carmen Hanson Flores

    Coordinacin Pedaggica de la Coleccin BicentenarioMaigualida del Valle Pinto Iriarte

    Coordinacin General Logstica y de Distribucin de la Coleccin BicentenarioFranklin Alfredo Albarrn Snchez

    Coordinacin Logstica Deyanira D Jess Urbaz SalazarJhonny Jos Quintero PezYrene Lucrecia Duarte Hurtado

    Coordinacin Editorial Serie InglsRosa Lpez de DAmico

    Coordinacin EditorialYvemar Peraza M.

    Autoras y AutoresYvemar Peraza M.Isabel FaneythAndrs Carmelo AlgaraJorge Enrique GonzlezRosa Lpez de DAmicoYvonne SaulnyManuel Adrin ArriojaRebeca OropezaMayra RondnIsabel CarrilloLigia lvarezBelkis Blanco

    Asesora MetodolgicaJorge Enrique GonzlezAndrs Carmelo Algara

    Correccin de LenguajeMark Gregson

    Coordinacin de Arte Gilberto Abad VIvas

    Gilberto Abad VivasDiagramacinKelly Gerardin Caldern Labrador

    IlustracinJos Alberto LostalJos ngel DazJos Luis Garca NolascoJulio Cesar AguiarMorelys Rivas FonsecaRafael Pacheco RangelSamuel GonzlezVctor Silva Yassamy Moreno Prez

    Suministro de papel: INVEPAL

  • A las y los docentes

    La Coleccin Bicentenario acoge el ingls con gran emocin y expectativa en el 2do ao y lo pone

    en tus manos convertido en My Second Victory. Esperamos que lo recibas con la mejor disposicin para

    hacer de l tu apoyo en la noble tarea de ensear uno de los idiomas ms hablados en el mundo.

    Hemos incluido temas de diversa ndole que van desde situaciones personales cotidianas, hasta

    hechos que impactan o impactaron a las comunidades locales, nacionales e internacionales. Todo esto con

    la idea de formar estudiantes que utilicen el ingls, no slo para hablar y aprender sobre otras culturas,

    sino sobre todo ciudadanos conscientes, orgullosos y preparados para difundir su propia realidad en todo

    lo relativo a riquezas naturales, valores histrico-culturales y logros sociales.

    El libro contiene ocho unidades, cuyos ttulos re3ejan un tema a desarrollar. Las unidades por

    su parte, estn divididas en tres lecciones que aportan contenido al tema correspondiente, a travs de

    actividades diseadas para ejercitar las destrezas de comprensin y produccin oral y escrita. Adems, por

    haberse concebido este libro dentro del enfoque comunicativo, nuestra lengua materna es considerada

    como un recurso ms. La encontrars en las instrucciones y en algunas de las secciones a travs del texto.

    En cuanto a la estructura de My Second Victory, cada leccin contiene un dilogo o una lectura

    inicial que muestra el contexto en el cual se desarrollar el tema y establece los elementos gramaticales a

    considerar. De all se generan dilogos que le permiten a la y el estudiante ejercitar el idioma en forma oral

    y escrita. Asimismo, se incluyen secciones espec4cas tanto para la presentacin de vocabulario como para

    la deduccin de algunos aspectos o patrones gramaticales tratados en la leccin.

    Dos secciones ponen a prueba la evolucin de las y los estudiantes a travs de la unidad. Uno es de

    comprensin auditiva y otro de comprensin lectora que a su vez estimula la re3exin. Todo ello sin dejar

    a un lado la ejercitacin de las estructuras gramaticales, lo cual tambin cuenta con su espacio especial en

    este libro.

    El uso de imgenes es constante en My Second Victory. En el caso de las secciones en que se dividen

    las lecciones, cada una tiene un icono que la identi4ca y te permite saber cul destreza se considera en

    ella. Igualmente, las ilustraciones realzan estticamente lo contenido en cada seccin y contribuyen

    e4cazmente a su comprensin.

    Al 4nal del libro, se incluye un glosario con vocabulario que pudiera implicar alguna di4cultad para

    las y los estudiantes por no estar explcito en la leccin. Su inclusin ofrece la posibilidad de aclarar de

    la manera ms expedita las dudas en cuanto a signi4cado, sin tener que recurrir a un diccionario o al

    profesor. Tambin estn anexos los textos (scripts) que debers leer para la realizacin de los ejercicios de

    comprensin auditiva por parte de tus estudiantes.

    Slo nos resta invitarte a que formes parte del equipo de quienes queremos contribuir e4cientemente

    a mejorar la enseanza del ingls en Venezuela. Con la conviccin de que el hablar una lengua extranjera

    tan usada en el mundo, ofrece una gran gama de oportunidades para el aprendizaje en cualquier rea, el

    desarrollo en el campo laboral y sobre todo para comunicarle al mundo quines somos.

  • A las y los estudiantes

    My Second Victory llega a ustedes con la idea de continuar en el camino del desarrollo de la

    comunicacin en ingls que se inici el ao escolar pasado. En este sentido, hemos concebido un texto

    con una variedad de temas de inters nacional e internacional, as como personal y colectivo, basados en

    contextos reales que los invitan a participar en el intercambio de ideas dentro y fuera del espacio educativo.

    El libro contiene ocho unidades, cada una con un ttulo que re3eja el tema a desarrollar. Cada unidad

    est dividida en tres lecciones que aportan contenido al tema correspondiente, a travs de actividades

    amenas y sencillas de realizar, tales como dilogos, lecturas sobre temas de actualidad, juegos y canciones.

    Adems, encontrarn notas sobre curiosidades culturales, histricas y mucho ms.

    Nuestra intencin es que ustedes encuentren en el idioma ingls una herramienta de liberacin,

    en la medida que les permita no slo aprender acerca de otras culturas, sino que les haga sensibles a

    valorar la propia. En consecuencia, incentivarlos a difundir lo que es nuestra patria en cuanto a recursos

    naturales, valores histrico-culturales y logros sociales. Todo esto enmarcado en la bsqueda constante

    del ser humano consciente de su corresponsabilidad en la preservacin de nuestro planeta para nuestra

    generacin y las generaciones futuras.

    Finalmente, queremos decirles que la Coleccin Bicentenario trae este texto como un aporte

    ms a la igualdad de condiciones y oportunidades. Por tanto, te invitamos estudiante venezolano,

    estudiante venezolana a comunicarte en ingls, a utilizar uno de los idiomas ms hablados en el mundo, a

    acompaarnos en este viaje de aprendizaje con diversin que te ofrece My Second Victory.

  • 4



    Lesson 22 - Im telling you what I did 176Lesson 23 - Tell me about Venezuelas history 184Lesson 24 - How can I say...? 192

    Lesson 19 - Were going to take our last test tomorrow 152Lesson 20 - Were going to celebrate 160Lesson 21 - Im going to take care of my school on vacation 168




    Do you know what?

    Socializar experiencias vividas en cursos anteriores destacando los aspectos positivos del personal obrero, administrativo , compaeros institucin educativa.

    Relatar las experiencias signi4cativas del periodo vacacional, la importancia y necesidad del disfrute del tiempo libre.

    Mr. Prez was my English teacher last year.


    I miss my old school.howthere was/wereto have en pasado simple.

    I travelled to La Gran Sabana!



    That hurt

    Re3exionar sobre accidentes, eventos que implican riesgos y cmo evitarlos.

    Argumentar y expresar razones en forma sencilla y re3exiva acerca de situaciones que atenten contra nuestros principios y valores.

    I lost my cell phone!

    when/where/howwhy dont you

    I was cooking and I cut my 4nger.

    I spilt coLee on my English homework!



    Valorar costumbres del pasado, destacando habilidades desarrolladas en esas pocas. Analizar en forma crtica hechos histricos, cient4cos acontecidos a nivel local, regional, nacional y universal.

    I used to play the cuatro.

    used toUsed to vs simple presentcan could/ cant y couldnt

    Where was Simn Bolvar born?

    y/o duda can

    We found oil!

  • 4

    So sad

    Conocer y generar medidas de proteccin ante eventos naturales y antrpicos.

    We lost our houses.




    It was an earthquake.


    On the art rout

    Valorar la cultura, local, regional y nacional a travs de la participacin en eventos culturales y del conocimiento sobre instituciones y artistas de la comunidad, estado y nacin.

    I loved her performance.

    Its not too far from here.

    He founded it forty years ago.


    I worked really hard

    Socializar y analizar experiencias en forma sencilla acerca de actividades personales y comunitarias, al expresar y demostrar compromiso y responsabilidad en su cumplimiento.

    A hectic weekend.)$$$*+,-.

    I needed more time.when / but

    That was more diNcult.

    why/because #thatone


    Lets make plans

    Plani4car y valorar acciones a realizar en el futuro, al emprender acciones que promuevan la participacin de otros miembros de la comunidad.

    Were going to take our last test tomorrow.

    Going to+verb0

    Were going to celebrate!

    Going to+verb1letsswhose

    Im going to take care of my school on vacation.

    Going to+verb#what about-ing despus de preposicin


    I learned a lot this


    Comentar y expresar experiencias signi4cativas en tiempo pasado para re3exionar sobre las mismas y mejorar aquellos aspectos que no satisfacen ciertas necesidades o intereses.

    Im telling you what I did.

    Fortalecimiento de todas las formas estudiadas en el ao.

    Tell me about Venezuelas history.

    How can I say?

  • 1


    Cool! Was Mrs. Stanton your teacher last year?

    She was an excellent teacher. She was on an exchange.

    What was he like? We learned a lot. We practiced dialogs, sang nice songs and

    played a lot!

    Escuchen la conversacin anterior y lean la historia en forma silenciosa.

    Observen la siguiente secuencia de dibujos y describan la situacin. Dnde se encuentran los personajes de la historia? Qu situacin se presenta?

    B. LETS LISTEN AND READ! (Escuchemos y leamos!)

    A. LETS EXPLORE! (Exploremos!)

    Hi, Susana. Is this your 4rst

    Hi, Nicols. Yeah. I want to meet my new English teacher.

    No, she wasnt.


    She was from Canada.

    Mr. Morrison. He was great! I see. Now you can speak English very well.

  • Unit One: Do you know what? 9

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo:

    Formemos grupos de dos para completar el dilogo y practicarlo.




    Who was your teacher last year?

    Mrs. Thompson.

    What was she like?

    C. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

    (Ahora, practiquemos!)D. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!







    Who ________ your math teacher last year?

    Mr. ____________.

    What __________ he like?

    He was __________.

    Where is he _______?


    ' +222222222222

  • 10 Unit One: Do you know what?

    Observa las ilustraciones. Practica las palabras y las expresiones.

    1. - She was an excellent teacher. She was very active.

    E. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

    2. - Mr. Maldonado was my math teacher a year ago. He was a hardworking teacher.

    3. - I learned a lot about our country with our geography teacher. She was very professional.

    3 4*'very demanding. We had to do many things and visit many places.

    5. - Ms. Prez was a boringEnglish teacher. Her classes werent interesting. We only read and translated in class.

  • 11Unit One: Do you know what?

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo:

    Escucha y repite.

    G. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

    F. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)







    What was your English teacher like last year?

    ) 5*%#*'

    in class, but she was nice and talkative during recess.

    That was very nice of her.

    She played chess with all the students.

    Do you miss Ms. Fuentes?

    6%' '*%) 7% %%

    he never plays with his students.

    89:#;1!# ANSWERS

    1. Who was your teacher two years ago? 1. Mr. Benton was my teacher two years ago.

    2. What was he like? 2. He was friendly and helpful but he was a very busy teacher.

    3. Was he from England? 3. No, he wasnt. He was from Venezuela.

    4. Where exactly was he from? 4. He was from Maracaibo.

    5. Do you miss Mr. Benton? 5. I do. He helped all the students.

  • 12 Unit One: Do you know what?

    Escucha con atencin la descripcin de un docente. Encierra en un crculo la letra que corresponde con la


    Lee el siguiente prrafo. Describe uno de tus profesores del ao pasado.

    Carol Lpez was our PE teacher three years ago. She was friendly and creative. She called me by my nickname: Ken. I always remember the activities we did with that teacher. We learned how to be respectful, helpful, friendly, studious, hardworking, eNcient, and some other important things we need to be good students and useful people in our neighborhood. We made teams and played interesting games two days a week.

    H. ALL EARS!


    (Todo odos!)

    (leyendo y re>exionando)

  • 13Unit One: Do you know what?

    Noun + ful adjective








    1. Was your history teacher very boring? No. His classes were interesting.

    2. My geography teacher was amazing! He knew everything about geography.

    < **'wonderful. We always played interesting and usefulgames in class.

    4. Mr. Surez and Mrs. Villena were very helpful! They always helped the students with their homework after class.

    5. Was your last English teacher very loving? Yes, she was. She had a warm welcoming smile.

    1. Lee nuevamente la parte I, extrae los adjetivos que encuentres en la lectura, escrbelos en tu cuaderno e investiga los antnimos.

    2. Ahora, observa la siguiente tabla:

    Verb + ing adjective

    Verb SuNx Adjective






    welcomingamazing annoying


    J. BUILDING BLOCKS (Bloques de construccin)

  • 14 Unit One: Do you know what?

    En grupos de dos, lean de nuevo los dilogos anteriores. Luego completen el siguiente y practquenlo. Pueden

    representarlo usando sus propios nombres u otros y agregando el nuevo vocabulario de esta leccin.

    L. LETS REFLECT AND CREATE! (Re>exionemos y creemos)







    Can you remember the name of the ___________ math teacher we had, two years ago?

    Sure. His name was Arturo Rojas. He did many _____________ activities that helped all

    the students.

    Yes! He came back. Were all happy. He is so ___________.

    Cool! I can still play that _____________ game with the even numbers. We learned a lot

    about numbers.

    He was such a _____________ teacher, too. He helped all the students with their

    exercises after class.

    And he was very _____________ too. He always respected all the people in our school.

    Lee con atencin y escribe los adjetivos correspondientes en los espacios en blanco:

    1. Mr. Gonzlez, our biology teacher, wasnt very_______________. He never helped the students.

    2. I dont like that teacher! He is so _______________. We never do interesting activities.

    3. Was her PE teacher a friendly person? No, he wasnt. He was an excellent athlete but an

    _____________ person.

    4. What was your Spanish teacher like? She was courteous and ___________ . She respected every body.

    5. Was Mr. Robles a ________________ teacher? Yes, he was. He had everything in order.

    6. Whats your English teacher like? He /She is ____________ and _________.

    (Ahora, Practiquemos!)K. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!

  • Lesson 2 I miss my old school



    Escuchen la conversacin anterior y lean la historia en forma silenciosa.

    Observen la siguiente secuencia de dibujos y describan la situacin. En qu lugar se encuentran los personajes? Te recuerda algo esta situacin?

    Is that school in this city?

    Where is that? D ou miss your old school? Well e ha e beautiful

    A. LETS EXPLORE! (Exploremos!)

    B. LETS LISTEN AND READ! (Escuchemos y leamos!)

  • 17Unit One: Do you know what?

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo:

    Formemos grupos de dos para completar el dilogo y practicarlo.

    C. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

    (Ahora, practiquemos!)D. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!







    Where were you?

    I was at the basketball court.

    Why were you there?

    There was a great game.

    Really? Who was playing?

    Students of 4th BVs the students of 5th A.

    Student A:

    Student B:

    Student A:

    Student B:

    Student A:

    Student B:

    Student A:

    Who ________ the game?

    The students of 4th B did. They _________ very well.

    What ________ the score?


    Great! Its a pity that I ________ see it!

    Why didnt you _________ to the basketball court?

    I __________ a geography test.

  • 18 Unit One: Do you know what?

    Lee y aprende las palabras y expresiones que utilizaste en el ejercicio anterior y otras nuevas.

    Student A: Who was your geography teacher last year?

    Student B: Mrs. Vizcaino. She was tough and demanding

    but very professional.

    Student A: What was your math teacher like?

    Student B: She was concerned and friendly.


    loved our country.

    #>=6%) '&

    of our country.

    E. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

  • 19Unit One: Do you know what?

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo:

    Escucha y repite.

    G. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

    F. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)







    Whats wrong?

    I miss my old school.

    *%1 ?*'@5

    It was small but cute. There was a very nice garden with beautiful roses.

    Was there a basketball court?

    6A ?**% *%7A1*%

    Questions Answers

    1. Do you miss your school? Yes, I do. And I miss my friends, too.

    2. What were your friends like? They were very nice and fun.

    3. Did you like your teachers? Yes, I did. They were very professional.

    4. What was your tourism teacher like? He was creative, active and friendly.

    5. How was your classroom?*%'&%'**

    wall, a bookcase and a 4le.

  • 20 Unit One: Do you know what?

    Escucha y marca con una X en la casilla correspondiente, el tiempo verbal de las oraciones que leer tu docente:

    Lee el prrafo y trabaja el vocabulario con el / la docente. Luego, en tu cuaderno, escribe preguntas simples para

    las oraciones subrayadas. Luego escribe la lectura en forma negativa.







    I miss my old school in Colombia. It was very big. There was a basketball court, a soccer 4eld, a huge yard, and a beautiful garden. It had a nice cafeteria. There were many trees and 3owers. The teachers were con-cerned and hard-working. My classmates were friendly and studious. I was very happy there.

    H. ALL EARS! (Todo odos!)

    I. READING AND REFLECTING (leyendo y re>exionando)

  • 21Unit One: Do you know what?

    2. Ahora observa la siguiente tabla:


    1. The confused students stayed after class.

    2. The teacher congratulated the advanced students.

    3. Mr. Noroo met the retired teachers in the conference room.

    4. They were excited about the game.

    5. She looked exhausted after the test.

    Verb + ed adjective

    Verb SuNx Adjective



    y ied- ed-d





    1. Observa de nuevo el cambio en los tiempos verbales:


    Do you miss your old school?

    I miss my school a lot.

    Does Miriam miss her friends?

    Miriam misses her friends very much.

    What is your math teacher like?

    My math teacher is talkative and friendly.

    Did you miss your old school?

    I missed my school a lot.

    Did Natalia miss her friends?

    Natalia missed her friends very much.

    What was your math teacher like?

    My math teacher was very serious in class.

    J. BUILDING BLOCKS (Bloques de construccin)

  • 22 Unit One: Do you know what?

    En grupos de dos, lean de nuevo los dilogos anteriores. Luego completen el siguiente y practquenlo.

    Pueden representarlo usando sus propios nombres u otros y agregando el nuevo vocabulario de esta leccin.

    (Re>exionemos y creemos)









    Where did you ________ last year?

    I _________ at a big school.

    Do you miss_________?

    Yes, I ______.

    _____ there many mango trees in that school?

    Yes, ______ were. There ________.

    _______ The English teacher work in this high school last year?

    No, she __________.

    Observa cuidadosamente las oraciones siguientes y escrbelas en tu cuaderno en pasado simple.

    1. There is a mango tree in the yard.

    2. I have an English book.

    3. Mr. Colina has 4fteen students.

    4. This bus goes to Valle de La Pascua.

    5. The students write sentences in their notebooks.

    6. Kathy studies English at a language institute.

    7. Marcos and Nelson play soccer in the stadium.

    8. There are many 3owers in this garden.

    (Ahora, Practiquemos!)K. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!


  • Lesson 3 I travelled to la Gran Sabana



    anlo en forma silenciosa.

    Observen la siguiente secuencia de dibujos y describan la situacin. En qu lugar se encuentran los personajes?

    Cules actividades realizaron en cada lugar? Has visitado alguno de estos sitios?

    ode a horse, danced,

    A. LETS EXPLORE! (Exploremos!)

    tinezes The Garcas

  • 25Unit One: Do you know what?

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo:

    Formen grupos de dos para completar el dilogo y practicarlo. Utilicen la informacin que est al principio de

    la leccin.

    Student A: Where did the________ go on their last vacation?

    Student B: They went to _____________

    Student A: Really? How nice! What did they __________there?

    Student B: They ___________________, ______________________,

    ___________________________, ____________________________, and

    Student A: Wow! They really _________________a ____________time!








    Where did the Palmas go on their last vacation?

    They went to the plains.

    Where exactly?

    They went to Guasdualito.

    Really? How nice! What did they do there?

    They swam in the Sarare River, they went 4shing, they ate.

    typical food and they saw wild animals.

    Wow! They really had a great time!

    C. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

    (Ahora, practiquemos!)D. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!

  • 26 Unit One: Do you know what?

    Lee y aprende las palabras y expresiones que utilizaste en el ejercicio anterior y otras nuevas.

    E. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

  • 27Unit One: Do you know what?

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo:

    Escucha y repite.

    G. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

    F. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)









    What did they do there?

    They swam every day.

    Where did they swim?

    They swam in the Sarare river.

    What kind of food did they eat?

    They ate typical food, such as carne en vara.

    Did they like it?

    They liked that a lot.

    Escucha y encierra en un crculo la letra correspondiente a la respuesta apropiada.

    H. ALL EARS! (Todo odos!)

    1 a. It was nice. b. I dont like it.

    2 a. Yes, they did. b. They went to The Andes.

    3 a. Two hours. b. Two kilometers.

    4 a. They got there by car. b. They went 4shing.

    5 a. Mr. Palma did. b. Mr. Palma does.

    Information Questions Answers

    1. Where did you go? I went to Achaguas /the beach/the mountain.

    2. When did you go to Achaguas?I went to Achaguas last month/last week/in Easter/two years ago.

    3. How did you get there?I got there by plane/by car/by bus/by boat /by train/on foot

    4. How did you like it?It was great! We had a wonderful time! /It was terrible. It rained all the time.

    5. What kind of food did you eat?I ate typical food, such as capybara stew. It was delicious.

  • 28 Unit One: Do you know what?

    1. Observa las ilustraciones y relata a tus compaeros la travesa que realiz la familia Romero. Utiliza la

    informacin del cuadro.

    J. BUILDING BLOCKS (Bloques de construccin)

    Lee el prrafo y trabaja el vocabulario con el / la docente. Luego, en tu cuaderno, escribe preguntas relacionadas

    con las partes subrayadas.

    There is a big family in my neighborhood that likes to go to the mountain on vacation. Last summer they went to the Andes and had a great time together. The children played and ate a lot. The parents walked in the mountain in the morning and relaxed in the afternoon. The grandparents stayed home and played cards in the evening. Uncle Luis cooked dinner every day. Grandma made breakfast and lunch. They took nice pictures. Now they are back. I always visit them to see their pictures.

    I. READING AND REFLECTING (leyendo y re>exionando)

  • 29Unit One: Do you know what?


    Vocabulario:go to Mrida / take an airplane / hire a car / visit beautiful towns / go to Los Aleros / buy souvenirs / go down the mountain on mules to visit Los Nevados



    did/subject/verb/complementDid your father travel to Achaguas?

    Yes-No/subject/did-didnt Yes, he did. / No, he didnt.

    WH-word/did/subject/verb/complement When did your father travel to Achaguas?

    subject/verb/complement My father travelled to Achaguas last month


    was-were/subject/complementWas Mr. Sosa in Caracas last week?Were Gladys and Belkys in Barquisimeto ?


    Yes, he was/ No, he wasnt.Yes, they were/ No, they werent.

    WH-word/was-were/Subject/verb/complementWhen was he in Caracas?When were they in El Tocuyo?

    Subject/verb/complementHe was in Caracas last week.They were in El Tocuyo in January.

  • 30 Unit One: Do you know what?

    1. Yes, she did. She visited Churn Mer.

    2. No, they didnt. They travelled to Barinas in September.

    3. I went to Caracas to visit the science museum.

    4. No, I wasnt. I was in El Viga last Tuesday.

    5. Yes, they were. They were at the Mare-Mares Hotel.

    Observa cuidadosamente las respuestas siguientes y escrbe las preguntas correspondientes en tu cuaderno.

    (Ahora, Practiquemos!)K. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!

    En grupos de dos, lean de nuevo los dilogos anteriores. Luego completen el siguiente y practquenlo.

    Pueden representarlo usando sus propios nombres u otros y agregando el nuevo vocabulario de esta leccin.

    (Re>exionemos y creemos)








    Where did you _______ on vacation?

    I went to _________.

    How ______ you ________ there?

    I _______there ___ ________.

    What ______ you ______ there?

    I _________ and __________ and___________.

    You really________ a __________ time!


  • MORE FUN! (Ms diversin!)

  • Lesson 4I lost my cell phone!2 That hurt!

    Unit Two: That hurt!32

    Observen la siguiente secuencia de dibujos y describan la situacin. Dnde se encuentran los personajes de la

    historia? Qu situacin se presenta?

    Andrea y Emily estn hablando en el patio de la escuela. Emily perdi su canaimita.

    Whats wrong Emily? *%5+' Im sorry to hear that Why

    Dos das despus...

    Guess what! I got Yes. The janitor gave it to me. People in this school e honest

    Escuchen la conversacin anterior y lean la historia en forma silenciosa.

    A. LETS EXPLORE! (Exploremos!)

    B. LETS LISTEN AND READ! (Escuchemos y leamos!)

  • Unit Two: That hurt! 33

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo:

    Formen parejas para completar el dilogo y practicarlo.

    C. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

    (Ahora, practiquemos!)D. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!







    +% B56@'

    I am. I lost my cellphone.


    I left it in the classroom. When I got back, it wasnt there.

    Why dont you ask your teacher?

    Good idea!

    Student 1:

    Student 2:

    Student 1:

    Student 2:

    Student 1:

    Student 2:

    +%22222222222 B56@22222222222

    I am. I __________ __________ _________.


    I _______ _______ in the classroom. When I got back, it

    ______ there.

    Why __________ you ask your teacher?

    Good __________!

  • 34 Unit Two: That hurt!

    Some personal objects

    A backpack A watch A wallet A pencil case

    Lee y aprende las palabras y expresiones que utilizaste en el ejercicio anterior y otras nuevas

    E. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

    I lost my keys In the school yard She left her laptop on the bus She found her cellphone in the bathroom

  • 35Unit Two: That hurt!

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo:

    Mrs. Lpez:

    Mrs. Ramos:

    Mrs. Lpez:

    Mrs. Ramos:

    Mrs. Lpez:

    Mrs. Ramos:

    Good morning, Mrs. Ramos. How are you?

    Not very well. Im looking for my keys.


    I think I lost them this morning.

    Why dont you ask the principal?

    B ;*@ 7A

    F. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

    Presente Pasado simple Traduccin

    Regular verbs

    Answer (s) Answered responder

    Ask (s) Asked Pedir/preguntar

    Drop (s) Dropped Dejar caer

    Listen (s) to Listened to Escuchar

    Look (s) at Looked at Mirar

    Look (s) for Looked for Buscar

    Study (ies) Studied Estudiar

    Watch (es) Watched Ver/observar

    Lean en voz alta los siguientes verbos, tiles para contar cosas que te sucedieron o que estabas haciendo cuando

    algo ocurri. Observa que algunos siguen un patrn en el pasado (regulares) y otros no. Ya sabes cul es el patrn?

    G. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

  • 36 Unit Two: That hurt!

    H. READING AND REFLECTING (leyendo y re>exionando)

    Lee atentamente el siguiente fragmento y luego responde True o False.

    Yesterday, Mario left his math book in the school canteen. An hour later, he went back to the canteen, but the book wasnt there. Then, Mr Paredes, his math teacher, saw him and said: Mario, this is your book. /*5C +=D*%%)A;*@*AC


    a. Mario left a personal object in the school canteen.

    b. Mr Paredes is an English teacher.

    c. Mr Paredes phoned Mario.

    d. Mario got his book back.

    Irregular verbs

    Break (s) Broke Romper

    Bring (s) Brought Traer

    Buy (s) Bought Comprar

    Come (s) Came Venir

    Do (does) Did Hacer (realizar una actividad)

    Drink (s) Drank Beber

    Eat (s) Ate Comer

    Find (s) Found Encontrar

    Get (s) back Got back Recuperar (algo)

    Give (s) Gave Dar

    Go (es) Went Ir

    Have (has) Had Tener

    Leave (s) Left Salir/dejar (algo/a alguien)

    Lose (s) Lost Perder

    Make (s) Made Hacer (elaborar algo)

    Read (s) Read Leer

    See (s) Saw Ver

    Take (s) Took Tomar

    Write (s) Wrote Escribir

    Presente Pasado simple Traduccin

  • 37Unit Two: That hurt!

    I. ALL EARS! (Todo odos!)

    Comparen los pronombres de ambas columnas de la izquierda y luego observen cmo se usan en los ejemplos.

    Subject pronouns Object pronouns Examples

    I me

    My grandma loves me and I love her

    This is a present for you.

    Did you see David? / Yes, I saw him last night.


    They are in town. I saw them yesterday.

    You you

    He him

    She her

    It it

    We us

    You you

    They them

    J. BUILDING BLOCKS (Bloques de construccin)

    Escuchen los siguientes fragmentos de conversaciones y subrayen la palabra o frase correcta.

    1. A: Whats wrong, Gilbert?

    B: I lost my wallet / I dropped my wallet.

    2. A: I lost my keys/key

    B: How did you lose them / it?

    1. A: I left / found my laptop on the bus

  • 38 Unit Two: That hurt!

    Formen parejas y lean de nuevo los dilogos anteriores. Luego, completen el siguiente dilogo y practquenlo.

    Pueden representarlo usando sus propios nombres u otros y agregando el nuevo vocabulario de esta leccin.

    (Re>exionemos y creemos)

    2) Ahora subrayen, en cada oracin, el pronombre correcto, sujeto u objeto, segn el caso.

    1. My brother and my father are in the kitchen. They/Them are talking.

    2. My brother is very happy. My father gave he/him a book.

    3. This is my notebook. Please give him/it to me/I .

    4. We/Us always take our dog with we/us when we/us go to the beach.

    5. Trina likes cookies. She/her eats they/them everyday.

    Student A:

    Student B:

    Student A:

    Student B:

    Student A:

    Student B:

    Student A:

    Student B:

    Good morning, _____________. How are _______?

    Not very well. I _______________ my _____________.


    I think I ____________ it this morning.

    Why dont you __________ your teacher?


    Lets talk to the janitor . I saw _________ in the garden.

    Good _________! Shes an honest person.

    1) Re>exionen sobre cada una de las siguientes oraciones y compltenlas con el pronombre objeto correcto.

    Ej.: Cachapas are delicious. I love them

    a) My brother was making a lot of noise. I asked _____ to turn oL the radio.

    b) A: Those mangoes look nice. B: I bought _________ in PDVAL.

    c) A: Did he marry Luisa? B: Yes, he did. He loves _________.

    d) A: What were you doing with that book? B: I was going to 4x _______.

    (Ahora, Practiquemos!)K. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!


  • 40

    Lesson 5I was cooking and I cut my 4nger2 That hurt!



    Unit Two: That hurt!

    Observen la siguiente secuencia de dibujos y describan la situacin. Dnde se encuentran los personajes de la

    historia? Qu situacin se presenta?

    El domingo pasado Julia y Johnny tuvieron un accidente en sus casas:

    Escuchen la conversacin anterior y lean la historia en forma silenciosa.

    A. LETS EXPLORE! (Exploremos!)

    B. LETS LISTEN AND READ! (Escuchemos y leamos!)

  • 4141Unit Two: That hurt!

    Escuchemos, leamos y repitamos el siguiente dilogo:

    Formen parejas para completar el siguiente dilogo y practicarlo. Como en el dilogo anterior, dos jvenes

    conversan. Uno de ellos sufri un accidente. Pueden usar sus propios nombres.

    C. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

    (Ahora, practiquemos!)D. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!








    Hello, Manuel. How are you?

    Im not very well.

    Whats wrong?

    Look at my 4nger. I cut myself with a knife.

    Does it hurt?

    Yes, it hurts a lot!


    Student A:

    Student B:

    Student A:

    Student B:

    Student A:

    Student B:

    Student A:

    Hello, _______________________. How are you?

    Im not ____________ well.

    ______________s wrong?

    Look at my ________________ . I __________ myself with a knife.

    Does it hurt?

    Yes, it ____________ a lot!


  • 42 Unit Two: That hurt!

    Observen las ilustraciones y re>exionen sobre el signiLcado de las siguientes palabras y expresiones.

    I cut myself this morning He fell on the 3oor last Sunday and hurt himself

    She fell oL her bike last night and hurt herself

    They had a car accident. They hurt themselves

    E. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

    She burnt herself yesterday

  • 43Unit Two: That hurt!

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo:

    Escucha y repiteWhat were they doing yesterday at six oclock?

    Peters father was washinghis face

    I was making a sandwich

    Ronny and Dora were walkingto school

    Andrea was having breakfast

    What about you?

    What were you doing yesterday at 6 oclock?

    I was








    Im sorry. I was with Miguel. He had a little acciden


    We were running and he fell down.

    *%'' 1E** 0***&5

    Yes, he broke his leg, so I called an ambulance

    drove him to a CDI.

    G. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y apr

    F. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

  • 44 Unit Two: That hurt!

    Last night, Mrs Mayora was cooking dinner when she burnt herself. She went to a CDI. She feels good now.


    Mrs. Mayora burnt herself yesterday morning.

    She was preparing dinner last night.

    Mrs. Mayora went to a pharmacy.

    Escuchen atentamente esta pequea historia. Luego, escchenla de nuevo y subrayen las opciones correctas

    entre las dos que se muestran entre cada parntesis.

    Last (Saturday/Sunday), my father and my brother were (running/walking) in the park. It was raining and the ground was wet. My (brother/sister) fell down and hurt (himself/herself ).

    1. Observen el cuadro siguiente y presten atencin a los pronombres re>exivos y cmo se usan en los ejemplos.

    H. ALL EARS! (Todo odos!)

    I. READING AND REFLECTING (leyendo y re>exionando)

    Personal pronouns

    ReFexive pronouns



    I myself I did it by myself.

    You yourself The coLee is hot. Dont burn yourself!

    He himself Juan cut himself with a knife.

    She herself She fell oL her bike and she hurt herself.

    It itself The dog hit itself with the door.


    We ourselves Luisa and I enjoyed ourselves in the party.

    You yourselves Please, help yourselves!

    They themselvesThey didnt hurt themselves in the accident.

    J. BUILDING BLOCKS (Bloques de construccin)

  • 45Unit Two: That hurt!

    2. Ahora, observen y re>exionen sobre la siguiente tabla y el uso del tiempo pasado continuo.

    AGrmative formThe past continuous

    Negative formInterrogative form

    I was


    I wasnt


    Was I


    You were You werent Were you








    wasnt Was










    Theywerent Were




    Using the past continuous

    A: What were you doing at 6 oclock this morning Brenda?

    B: I was sleeping. And you? Were you sleeping, too?

    A: No. I wasnt. I was having a shower.

  • 46 Unit Two: That hurt!

    En parejas, lean de nuevo todos los dilogos anteriores. Luego completen el siguiente dilogo y practquenlo.

    Pueden aprenderlo y representarlo usando sus propios nombres u otros.

    (Re>exionemos y creemos)

    1. Completen las siguientes oraciones con la forma correcta del pronombre re>exivo.

    My sister cut _______________ with a piece of glass.

    A: How did you hurt ______________?B: I hit ________ with a hammer.

    Tiziri and Noemi enjoyed ____________ at the party.

    A: The table looks great now.B: Yes, we repaired it ____________.

    Csar did the homework by _________. Nobody helped him.

    A: Do you wash your cat?B: No. It cleans itself.

    (Ahora, Practiquemos!)K. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!

    a. b.

    c. d.

    e. f.

    2. Completen los espacios en blanco. Utilicen el verbo entre parntesis, reescribindolo en pasado continuo.

    Last night at 7 oclock p.m. I was watching (watch) T.V. My sister Nilda _____ ____________ (talk) on the phone. My baby brother Raul ______ ___________(sleep). My grandma and grandpa _________ _____________ (play) chess and my parents ________ _____________ (cook) dinner.

    Student 1:

    Student 2:

    Student 1:

    Student 2:

    Student 1:

    Student 2:


    Im sorry. I was with ___________. He _______ a little accident.


    We were ____________ and _____ ________________.

    *%'' 1E** 0*$**22222222222225

    Yes, _____ broke his/her _________ ,so I called an ambulance. They drove __________ him/her to a CDI.


  • Lesson 6I spilt coLee on my English homework!That hurt!



    Unit Two: That hurt!

    Observen la siguiente secuencia de dibujos y describan la situacin. Dnde se encuentran los personajes de la

    historia? Qu situacin se presenta?

    La clase de ingls est por comenzar.

    Good morning, class! Please, take out your books and notebooks

    Now, please, open your notebooks and let

    Wheres your notebook,

    Escuchen la conversacin anterior y lean la historia en forma silenciosa.

    A. LETS EXPLORE! (Exploremos!)

    B. LETS LISTEN AND READ! (Escuchemos y leamos!)

    I was doing my homework

  • 49Unit Two: That hurt!

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo:

    Formen parejas para completar el dilogo y practicarlo.

    C. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

    (Ahora, practiquemos!)D. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!






    Good morning, class. Please open your notebooks.

    Im sorry, teacher. I left my English notebook at home.


    Well, I brought the history notebook by mistake.

    Please, remember to bring it tomorrow.

    Student A:

    Student B:

    Student A:

    Student B:

    Student A:

    Good ____________, class! Please open your ____________ (libros).

    Im ___________, teacher. I left my English ___________ at home.


    Well, I brought the _____________ (biologa) book by mistake.

    Please, ____________ to bring it ___________ (la prxima semana).

  • 50 Unit Two: That hurt!

    Leamos y aprendamos las palabras y expresiones que utilizamos en el ejercicio anterior y otras nuevas.

    He was playing baseball in the backyard.

    He broke a window.

    She was washing the bathroom.

    She fell on the 3oor.

    They were watching TV in the living room.

    The telephone rang.

    I was doing my homework in my bedroom.

    I spilt coLee on my notebook.

    E. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

  • 51Unit Two: That hurt!

    Esta es una tpica casa de Mucuches, Edo. Mrida. Escucha y aprende los nombres de las partes de la casa:

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo:

    Ayer la familia Rojas estaba viendo TV cuando son el timbre

    G. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

    F. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)


    he son:


    he son:


    he son:


    he son:

    Who is that?

    Its me, William.

    Whats wrong? Why are you crying, Willy?

    I was playing baseball with my friends and

    I ripped my pants.


    %* B5

    Yes, mom. Im 4ne but thats not all.


    We broke the neighbors window.

  • 52 Unit Two: That hurt!

    Yesterday, it was 7.00 pm when the telephone rang at Ramons house. He was watching TV. His mom was making dinner and his father was reading a book.

    Responde verdadero (true) o falso (false) TRUE FALSE

    The telephone rang at 6.00 pm.

    Ramon was sleeping when the telephone rang.

    Ramons father was reading a book at 7.00 pm.

    Ramons mom was cooking dinner.

    I. READING AND REFLECTING (leyendo y re>exionando)

    Escucha las oraciones. Cada una se reLere a una de las ilustraciones en cada par de Lguras. Encierra en un

    crculo la letra de la ilustracin correspondiente.



    H. ALL EARS! (Todo odos!)





  • 53Unit Two: That hurt!

    En tu cuaderno, construye oraciones con when, a partir de las palabras dadas.

    Ejemplo: We / study / the dog / open the door We were studying when the dog opened the door

    1. The teacher / write on the board / the principal /arrive

    2. She / sleep / her mom / call her

    3. I / take a shower / my father / come home

    4. Nora and Mirna / talk in the street / I see them

    (Ahora, Practiquemos!)K. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!

    J. BUILDING BLOCKS (Bloques de construccin)

    Past continuous Simple past

    I was

    sleeping when the president arrived.

    You were








    A: What were you doing when I called you yesterday?

    B: I was taking a shower.

    Yes/No questions

    A: Were you doing your homework when you spilt coLee on your notebook?

    B: Yes. I was.

    A: Were they working on their laptop when the lights went oL?

    B: No. They werent. They were talking.

  • 54 Unit Two: That hurt!

    En grupos de tres lean de nuevo los dilogos anteriores. Luego completen el siguiente y practquenlo. Pueden

    representarlo usando sus propios nombres u otros y agregando el nuevo vocabulario de esta leccin.

    Student A: _________ __________ ________?

    Student B: Its me, ____________.

    Student A: Whats wrong? Why _______ _______ so sad?

    Student B: I was ______ ______ ______when I ______ ______ ______ ______ _______.

    Student C: Im sorry honey. Lets get a new notebook.

    Student B: Thank you, mom. But _______ ________ _______ .

    #= *%52222222222222225

    Student B: I ______ _______ _______ ______ ______ .

    (Re>exionemos y creemos)L. LETS REFLECT AND CREATE!

  • Lesson 7I used to play the cuatroMemories

    Unit Three: Memories



    A. LETS EXPLORE! (Exploremos!)

    B. LETS LISTEN AND READ! (Escuchemos y leamos!)

    Observen la siguiente secuencia de dibujos y describan la situacin. Dnde se encuentran los personajes de la historia? Qu situacin se presenta?

    Thats excellent! What

    You didnt come to class yesterday

    Fantastic! I belonged to The #&*C'*1

    Escuchen la conversacin anterior y lean la historia en forma silenciosa.

    I used to play the violin

  • Unit Three: Memories 57

    C. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo:









    Whats your favorite pastime, Helena?

    My favorite pastime is to play the guitar

    Do you play it every day?

    I used to play it every day but now its

    impossible. We always work really hard at


    Do you play any sport?

    I used to play volleyball when I was a child,

    but not any more

    Do you play any other musical instrument?

    I used to play the cuatro when I was 5 years

    old, but now anymore.









    Listen! Someone is playing the __________!

    What a charming piece of music! I remember

    when I used to play it too!

    _____you use to play it?

    I did but not ________________.

    Can you play the __________?

    No. I can play the ____________but I dont

    have time these days.

    Were you a good musician?

    Yes, I__________ but now I dont practice

    much and you know, practice makes perfect.

    (Ahora, practiquemos!)D. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!

    Formemos grupos de dos para completar el dilogo y practicarlo.

  • 58 Unit Three: Memories

    Violin Saxophone Trumpet



    Practiquemos oralmente utilizando los nombres de los instrumentos:

    I used to play the______________, but now I play the ___________________.


    E. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

  • 59Unit Three: Memories

    F. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

    G. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo





    Trinidad :





    Hi, there!

    Look at these beautiful pictures.

    Do you study arts?

    Well, I used to study arts but now Im studying

    graphic design.


    I could paint well when I was a child, but now I

    prefer to work on the computer. What about you?

    I could play the violin, but now I prefer sports.

    She could play baseball when she was 5, but now she plays volleyball.

    She could play basketball when she was a child, but now she plays softball.

    He used to swim at school, but not anymore. He used to play catch when he was a child, but not anymore.

    Observa lo que hacan y lo que hacen ahora:

  • 60 Unit Three: Memories

    H. ALL EARS! (Todo odos!)

    Escucha las preguntas de tu docente y selecciona la respuesta apropiada.

    a.- Yes, I used to play softball but I dont anymore.

    b.-No, I didnt use to play baseball.

    c.- Yes, they did.

    a-.She could run fast but now she cant.

    b.-No, I didnt.c.- He could, but now he cant.

    I. READING AND REFLECTING (leyendo y re>exionando)

    Responde verdadero o falso.

    Leonardo Sequera used to study music, but he couldnt continue because his parents could not aLord it. %*!#&*6***** !'%*

    play the clarinet and read music.


    1. Leonardos parents have a lot of money.

    2. Leonardo can play the clarinet.

    3. Leonardo is a high school student

  • 61Unit Three: Memories

    He could play the drums when he was a child.

    They used to play the mandolin when they were at the university.

    She used to play the cello 15 years ago.

    Julio and his sister used toplay the harp when they were children.

    In the past Examples

    subject +could+verb+complement We could play the clarinet 20 years ago.

    subj+could+not / couldnt+verb+complement We could not / couldnt play the harp 5 years ago.

    subj+used to+ verb+ complement We used to swim when we were children.

    subj+did+not / didnt+use to+ verb+complement We didnt use to swim in that lake.


    subject +can+verb+complement We can play the harp.

    subject +can+not / cant+verb+complement We cannot / cant swim fast.

    2. Ahora, observa la siguiente tabla:

    1. Observa:

    J. BUILDING BLOCKS (Bloques de construccin)


    Information Questions

    What+object+aux+subj+verb+adverbial clause What instrument can you play?

    What+ object+aux+subj+verb+adverbial clause

    What instrument could you play when you were a child?

    What instrument did you use to play?

    Yes/ no questions

    Aux+subj+verb+object Can you play soccer?

    Aux+subj+verb+object+adverbial clause Could you play catch when you were 5?

  • 62 Unit Three: Memories

    Escribe la letra de la respuesta sobre la lnea.

    (Ahora, Practiquemos!)K. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!

    1. What instrument did you use to play when you were a child?____

    2. Did you use to play the 3ute when you were a teenager ? _____

    3. Could you ride a bike when you were 3 years old? _____

    4. Could your sister swim when she was 10 years? _____

    a. No, I couldnt. I didnt even have a bike.

    b. I used to play the harp. I loved it.

    c. Yes. She could swim 4 laps in six minutes.

    d. No, I didnt. I could play the saxo when I was a teenager.

    (Re>exionemos y creemos)

    En grupos de dos lean de nuevo los dilogos anteriores. Luego completen el siguiente y practquenlo.

    Student A:

    Student B:

    Student A:

    Student B:

    Student A:

    Student B:

    ____________, somebody is playing ______________.

    *% ;*G22222222222222&

    I ________ play it when I was a child.

    What instrument did you _______ _______ play?

    I used to play the___________. What about you?

    I couldnt play any _____________. I _______ _______ volleyball.


  • Lesson 8Where was he born?Memories



    Unit Three: Memories

    Observen la siguiente secuencia de dibujos y describan la situacin. Dnde se encuentran los personajes de la historia? Qu situacin se presenta?

    A. LETS EXPLORE! (Exploremos!)

    B. LETS LISTEN AND READ! (Escuchemos y leamos!)

    I read he was born in C

    Mrs. Aponte, Was Simon Bolivar

    Escuchen lean silenciosamente el dilogo anterior.

  • 65Unit Three: Memories

    C. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

    (Ahora, practiquemos!)D. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!






    Who was Luisa Cceres de Arismendi?

    She was an actress!

    No, she wasnt.

    Who was she, then?

    She was a very brave Venezuelan heroine.

    Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo:

    Formemos grupos de dos para completar y practicar el siguiente dilogo. Para este dilogo escoja una Lgura

    importante de la historia de Venezuela.







    Who was _________________________?

    _________was_____ _________ _______

    When was_______born?

    ______was_______ in _______.

    Where was ______born?

    _________ was born in_______.

  • 66 Unit Three: Memories

    This is Joaquina Snchez. Shes a heroine She lived at the end of the seventeenth century. She was a braveVenezuelan woman. Her husband was Jos Mara Espaa.

    Hes a hero. His name was Jos Mara Espaa. He lived at the end of the seventeenth century. He was a very courageous man. His wife was Joaquina Snchez.

    E. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

  • 67Unit Three: Memories

    H. ALL EARS! (Todo odos!)

    G. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)








    Where were you yesterday?

    I was visiting my grandfather. I love listening to him.

    What did he tell you about this time?

    He told me about Simn Rodrguez.

    Who was he?

    He was one of Simn Bolvars teachers.

    Really? I didnt know that.


    Noun phrase + agoShe lived in Aragua State two years ago.

    He visited me a month ago.He did it a long time ago.

    Last + noun He beat him .

    The day before yesterday They arrived the day before yesterday.

    The year before lastWe had a very good history teacher the year

    before last.

    1 .HIth

    . b) In December. c) In Colombia.

    2 a) In 1800. b) At the end of the 17th

    century. c) 1899.

    3 a) She was a dancer. b) She was a heroine. c) She was a doctor.

    4 a) At home. b) In Maracaibo. c) In 1783.

    Escucha las preguntas que leer tu docente y selecciona las respuestas:

    F. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

  • 68 Unit Three: Memories

    Lee y aprende las palabras y expresiones que utilizaste en el ejercicio anterior y otras nuevas.

    Francisco de Miranda was born in 1750.

    J. BUILDING BLOCKS (Bloques de construccin)

    I. READING AND REFLECTING (leyendo y re>exionando)

    Lee y responde las preguntas:

    Simn Bolvar was born on July 24th

    1783 in Caracas. Two of his teachers were Simn Rodrguez and Andrs > +'**'* &*@*# +);del Toro but she died some months later and Bolvar became a widower. After his tragedy, he devoted his life to his country and America.

    1. Was Simn Bolivar born in 1830?

    2. Who were his teachers?

    3. What did he do after his tragedy?

  • 69Unit Three: Memories

    He 3ew the 4rst Venezuelan 3ag in 1806. He died in Spain in 1816.

    1. Observa:


    I /she / he was


    in __________ (year)

    in___________ (month)

    We/ You / They were on __________ (complete date)


    Manuelita Senz was born in 1797.

    My grandparents were born in November.

    Jos Flix Ribas was born on September 19th

    , 1775.

  • 70 Unit Three: Memories

    (Ahora, Practiquemos!)K. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!

    (Re>exionemos y creemos)

    Responde como se te indica y luego pregunta la fecha de nacimiento a tus compaeros:

    1. When were you born? (complete date)

    2. When was your mother born? (only month)

    3. When was Jos Felix Ribas born? (complete date)


    Mrs. Tovar


    Mrs. Tovar



    Mrs. Tovar

    Who ______ Manuelita Senz?

    She ______ a brave woman, a heroine.

    What did she do?

    She fought at Pichincha, Junn and Ayacucho battles.




  • Lesson 9We found oil




    Unit Three: Memories

    A. LETS EXPLORE! (Exploremos!)

    B. LETS LISTEN AND READ! (Escuchemos y leamos!)

    Observen la siguiente secuencia de dibujos y describan la situacin. Dnde se encuentran los personajes de la historia? Qu situacin se presenta?

    Dos compaeros conversan. Uno de ellos falt a la clase de ciencias y le pregunta a su compaero sobre la clase.

    Escuchen y lean silenciosamente el dilogo anterior.


    hey caulked their canoes and lit their 4res.

    y don e go t y and read more about it?

  • 73Unit Three: Memories

    C. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

    (Ahora, practiquemos!)D. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo:

    Formen parejas para completar el dilogo y practicarlo. Utiliza la forma apr





    Engineer :

    Good morning, students. This is Mr. No Alvarado, an engineer from PDVSA. He knows

    a lot about petroleum. Do you have any questions for him?

    Yes. I have a question! What oil products do you produce?

    Theres gasoline, kerosene but wait! Its a long list, I brought these lea3ets for you all.

    I can hand them out.

    @ +








    Who _________oil for the 4rst time, Rafael?



    Yes. I _____ about that in the library.

    What did they ________ with it?

    They ______ their 4res, and ______their canoes

    Thats incredible!

  • 74 Unit Three: Memories

    Lee y aprende las palabras y expresiones que utilizaste en el ejercicio anterior y otras nuevas.

    KeroseneLubricating oils Rubber Plastic

    Polythene Gasoline Diesel fuel Synthetic Obers

    E. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

  • 75Unit Three: Memories

    G. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

    Listen and repeat (Escuchen y repitan)

    J % ' *

    map on the right and answer:

    How many oil re4neries are there in Venezuela?

    Where are there oil re4neries in our country?

    There are ________re4neries in Venezuela

    Venezuelan oil re4neries are in___________________

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo:








    What was your occupation, grandpa?

    I was an oil 4eld worker for 30 years.

    How did you like your work?

    I liked it very much.

    Was it risky?

    Yes, it was. Sometimes gas or oil wells caught 4re.


    F. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

  • 76 Unit Three: Memories

    I. READING AND REFLECTING (leyendo y re>exionando)

    Lean y marquen verdadero (true) o falso (false).

    The indigenous peoples in Venezuela already utilized crude oils and asphalts from petroleum seep, which oozed through the ground to the surface, before the Spanish conquistadors arrived. The locals knew the thick black liquid as mene, and used it primarily for medicinal purposes, as an illumination source, and for the caulking of canoes. Upon their arrival in the early 16th century, the Spanish conquerors learned from the indigenous people to caulk their ships as well, and treat their weapons.


    Spanish conquerors called the petroleum mene

    Indigenous people cured some ailments with petroleum.

    Spanish conquerors taught indigenous people about oil.

    H. ALL EARS! (Todo odos!)

    Escucha las preguntas que leer tu docente y encierra en un crculo la letra de una de las opciones.

    a. They used it to caulk their canoes.

    a. There are 4ve re4neries in our country.

    a. Its an oil re4nery.

    b. These re4neries are near the coast.

    b. Its in Carabobo state.




  • 77Unit Three: Memories

    (Ahora, Practiquemos!)K. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!

    Pay attention to the following sentences and deduce the pattern involved. (Presten atencin a las siguientes oraciones y deduzcan el patrn)

    Completen las siguientes oraciones. Use who, where, when, what.

    1. ______ do they do at a re4nery?

    2. ______ managed those re4neries in 2002?

    3. ______ did we drill an oil well in Venezuela for the 4rst time?

    4. ______ do we have our re4neries ?

    Where did he work last year?He worked in El Palito reOnery

    When did they drill the 4rst oil well?They 4rst found oil in 1914.

    Who used oil for the 4rst time?Our indigenous people used oil for the 4rst time

    What did our indigenous people do with oil?They lit their Ore.

    J. BUILDING BLOCKS (Bloques de construccin)

  • 78 Unit Three: Memories

    (Re>exionemos y creemos)

    Despus de practicar los dilogos de las lecciones previas, completen y practiquen el siguiente, pueden usar sus propios nombres.









    _______you go to the re4nery?

    Yes, I did. I _____ with some of my classmates.

    ______did you go?

    I went last week

    ______ did you interview?

    Some workers

    What did they talk about?

    They _____ about their experience in the oil industry.


  • Lesson 10We lost our houses

    So sad...

    Unit Four: So sad...


    Observa y comenta acerca de las siguientes imgenes. Responde la preguntas:

    A. LETS EXPLORE! (Exploremos!)

    (Escuchemos y leamos!)

    What are natural disasters?

    Can you mention some natural disasters?


    Earthquake Forest 4re

    ales han ocurrido en Venezuela en estos ltimos aos:

    Natural Disasters

    erse events resulting from natural processes of Mother Earth. Some , tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, 3oods, avalanches,

    , and others. A natural disaster causes a lot of damage and harm.

  • Unit Four: So sad... 81

    C. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

    (Ahora, practiquemos!)D. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!






    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo:

    Victor se acaba de mudar de La Guaira.

    Victor, you look very sad, what happened?

    I moved from La Guaira, my home town.

    Why did you move?

    We lost our house. There was a terrible mudslide in Vargas state.


    Formemos grupos de dos para completar el dilogo y practicarlo:


    Your partner:


    Your partner:


    _____, you look very ____, what happened?

    I _______ from _______, my home town.

    Why did you _______?

    We ______ our property. There was a ______ in _______.

    Thats terrible. I feel so ______ about that.

    Sad / So sadUnhappy / very unhappy

    Depressed / very depressed

    Lee y aprende las palabras y expresiones:

    E. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

    Adverbios intensi4cadores

  • 82 Unit Four: So sad...

    Tired / really tired Nervous /pretty nervous

    Pasado continuo vs pasado simple

    It started to rain while I was sleeping She was having dinner when she heard the noise of the mudslide

    They were having fun when the disaster happened

  • 83Unit Four: So sad...

    G. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo:






    There were so many people devastated by their loss.

    Its true. There were such beautiful houses destroyed.

    Tell me, what were you doing when it happened?

    I was reading a book when I heard people screaming.

    My goodness! So many people lost their lives and


    Escucha y repite:

    Verbos Regulares e Irregulares

    Present Past

    Regular Start






    /id /

    / t /

    /d /

    The rain started at midnight.

    I helped my family and neighbors.

    The helicopters arrived to help people.

    Irregular Give






    They gave us directions to follow.

    I heard peoples cries.

    I had a broken arm.

    F. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

  • 84 Unit Four: So sad...

    H. ALL EARS! (Todo odos!)

    I. READING AND REFLECTING (leyendo y re>exionando)

    Escucha, selecciona el tiempo verbal e indica el sonido Lnal, en caso de ser pasado

    / d / / t / / id /

    1 stop stopped

    2 laugh laughed

    3 paint painted

    4 enjoy enjoyed

    5 study studied

    Lee y subraya los sinnimos de mudslide:


    Mudslides are moving rivers of rock, soil, and water. Mudslides are often triggered by storms, volcanic activity, earthquakes, 4res, and humans mismanaging the land. They can also be called landslides, mud3ows, and slurries.

    Comenta con tus compaeros qu cosas hacemos los humanos que ayudan a causar los deslaves.

  • 85Unit Four: So sad...

    1. Lee y comenta:

    I lost my house, but I got That er ther No, it is the red and white one

    I lost my house, but now I got a new one

    2. Observa:

    IndeOnite Pronouns One/Ones


    demonstrative+one That one is my apartment.

    determiner+adjective+one The Vargas tragedy was a big one.


    demonstrative+one Those ones are our apartments.

    adjective+one The Vargas and El Limn tragedies were big ones.

    J. BUILDING BLOCKS (Bloques de construccin)

  • 86

    (Ahora, Practiquemos!)K. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!

    (Re>exionemos y creemos)

    1. Many people ______ their houses in La Guaira in 1999.

    (lose / lost / loses)

    2. She always ____________ the news on TV.

    (watched / watches / watch)

    3. The disaster in Santa Cruz de Mora (Mrida state) _______ place in 2005.

    (take / took / takes)

    4. Many reporters ____________ the country to cover the news in El Limn in 1987.

    (visit / visited / visits)

    Selecciona el tiempo verbal:

    Student A

    Student B

    Student A

    Student B

    Student A

    Student B

    En grupos de tres, completen el dilogo y practquenlo:

    You ________ happy.

    Yes, I am _______ happy

    What happened?

    We got a _________ house.


    Yes, its a big ________.


  • Lesson 11Tsunami !



    Unit Four: So sad...

    Observen el siguiente collage y describan la situacin. Qu situacin se presenta?

    A. LETS EXPLORE! (Exploremos!)

    B. LETS LISTEN AND READ! (Escuchemos y leamos!)

    Escuchen y lean la historia en forma silenciosa.

    Qu puede dar origen a un tsunami? Cules son los efectos de un tsunami?

    A tsunami (Japanese word that means harbour wave) is a series of giant waves caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions under the sea. Earthquakes, mudslide, volcanic eruptions, explosions, and even the impact of cosmic bodies, such as meteorites, can generate tsunamis. Extremely big waves may travel as fast as jet planes over deep waters, and they can violently attack beaches, causing devastating property damage and loss of life. The tsunami danger period can continue for many hours as the waters move onto land and return. A tsunami can occur at any time, day or night.

  • 89Unit Four: So sad...

    C. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

    (Ahora, practiquemos!)D. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!

    The teacher:



    The teacher:


    There was a tsunami in Thailand.

    When did it happen?

    It was in 2004. It damaged other countries

    Thousands of people died and many people lost their houses

    It is so sad! It is so scaring!

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo:

    Formemos grupos de tres para completar el dilogo y practicarlo:


    Student A:

    Student B:


    Student A:

    There was a _______ in Japan.

    When _______ _______ _______ ?

    _____ 2011.

    Many people _____ their properties.

    Thats ___ scaring!

  • 90 Unit Four: So sad...

    Lee y aprende palabras y expresiones:

    a few bottles of w

    some bottles of w

    many bottles of w

    little food

    some food

    a lot of food


    Countable Non countable

    E. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

  • 91Unit Four: So sad...

    H. ALL EARS! (Todo odos!)

    G. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo:

    The teacher:



    The teacher:


    Did you watch the documentary on natural disasters?

    Yes I did. It was really impressive.

    Tsunamis are deadly. Thank God we live in the Caribbean.

    But we had a tsunami in the Caribbean in 1530.

    Yes, Venezuela experienced tsunamis in the past.

    Mapa de zona de tsunami en el mar Caribe

    Tsunami warning signs:


    Escucha y marca la opcin correcta en cada par de letras. Ej.: T F

    T __ F __

    T __ F __

    T __ F __

    T __ F __

    F. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

  • 92 Unit Four: So sad...

    I. READING AND REFLECTING (leyendo y re>exionando)

    En pareja re>exiona acerca de los sentimientos que genera un tsunami.


    ou must be away from the sea shore. You must be away from glass.

    ener en cuenta en situacin de alarma por tsunami Qu podemos hacer?

    (Bloques de construccin)

  • 93Unit Four: So sad...

    2. Ahora, observa las siguientes tablas:

    Uncountable Nouns



    a little

    a lot of






    Singular Plural

    There was a tsunami in Asia in 2004 There were some candles.

    Was there a tsunami in Asia in 2004? Were there any candles?

    There wasnt a tsunami in America in 2004. There werent any candles.

    They made a little eLort. I dont have a lot of candles. Did they have a few candles?

    There was a lot of help. She doesnt need any helpWere there a lot of people


    There was some support. They didnt make any eLort. Were there any blankets?

    Countable Nouns



    a few

    a lot of







  • 94 Unit Four: So sad...

    En grupos de dos o tres completen lo que debe hacerse ante una situacin de un tsunami .

    When a tsunami, you must

    (Re>exionemos y creemos)





    (Ahora, Practiquemos!)K. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!

    ________ of ointment. I have _____ hope. There are ____ aspirines.

    We have ____ water. We need ________ petrol. ________ volunteers.

    We need ______4rst aid kits. We need _____medicine. ________ participants.

    Completen las oraciones con una forma de cantidad.


  • MORE FUN! (Ms diversin!)

  • Lesson 12It was an earthquake



    Unit Four: So sad...

    A. LETS EXPLORE! (Exploremos!)

    B. LETS LISTEN AND READ! (Escuchemos y leamos!)

    Observen las imgenes. Dnde estn los personajes? De qu crees que hablen?

    Escuchen la conversacin anterior y lean la historia en forma silenciosa.

  • 97Unit Four: So sad...

    C. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

    (Ahora, practiquemos!)D. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo:



    Mariana :




    Earthquakes are frightening. I felt one yesterday.

    Yeah! They surely are. I was frightened, too.

    I was running to the door, but my dad stopped me.

    Good for him. We must not run outside during an earthquake.

    We have to learn some safety measures for those events.

    I agree. We and our families should be prepared. We never know!

    Formemos grupos de dos para completar el dilogo y practicarlo.


    Your partner:


    Your partner:


    Your partner:


    I felt an_______________yesterday.

    _____ ______. That was ______________.

    Youre right. I was so ________________.

    I was ______________ into the street, but dad _________me.

    Good for _________. Thats _____________.

    I didnt know. I _______ learn some safety ____________.

    I ___________.

  • 98 Unit Four: So sad...

    Existen algunas medidas a tomar mientras sucede un terremoto:

    Stay beside a piece of furniture. Move away from buildings.

    Dont get out of your car. Don t rush in a crowded place. y y

    E. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

  • 99Unit Four: So sad...

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo:






    My history teacher talked about an awful

    earthquake in Venezuela in 1967.

    I know about it. My mom was living in

    Caracas when it happened.

    Many buildings collapsed there. It was

    very intense.

    Yes, a magnitude 7.6 earthquake. And

    there were some aftershocks, too.

    Yes. Unfortunately, there are many risky

    areas in Venezuela.

    G. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

    The ground shakes gently. wobble noisily. Domestic animals behave strangely.

    Reconozcamos los signos de un terremoto:

    F. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

  • 100 Unit Four: So sad...

    I. READING AND REFLECTING (leyendo y re>exionando)

    Lee y responde las preguntas :

    A devastating 7.7 magnitude earthquake occurred at 4:37 p.m. on March 26, 1812. This disaster caused damage in Caracas, La Guaira, Barquisimeto, San Felipe, and Mrida. The capital was destroyed with an estimated 20,000 deaths and incalculable material damage. Simn Bolvar was among the survivors in the early evening of that dreadful day.

    1. How many people died during that event? _____________________________.

    2. Was Simn Bolvar the only survivor?_________________________________.

    H. ALL EARS! (Todo odos!)

    Escucha y marca verdadero o falso


    1. An earthquake hit Haiti in 2010.

    2. It happened in the early morning.

    3. The presidential palace collapsed.

  • 101Unit Four: So sad...

    J. BUILDING BLOCKS (Bloques de construccin)

    1. Existen algunas medidas a tomar despus de un terremoto:

    Safety measures after an earthquake.

    Shut oL the gas valve

    Don t light a 4re.

    Stay out of severely damaged buildings

    Dont use the telephone except in case of an emergency.

    2. Observa:

    Past Continuous

    Subject + was/were + Verb+ing


    The ground was shaking


    The ground was not / wasnt

    shaking yesterday.

    Was the ground shaking


    We were running out.They were not / werent

    running out.Were you running out?

  • 102

    (Re>exionemos y creemos)

    En grupos de dos, completen el dilogo y practquenlo:


    Your partner:


    Your partner:


    Your partner:


    Did you ____________ the earthquake?

    Yes,_____ ______. That was ______________.

    Youre right. I was ___________ when it happened.

    I was ______________ into the street, but dad _________me.

    Good for _________. Thats _____________.

    I didnt know. I _______ learn some safety ____________.

    I ___________.

    (Ahora, Practiquemos!)K. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!

    Ordena estas oraciones y aprende otras medidas de seguridad en caso de terremoto:

    1. to / Dont / next / glass / stand

    2. to / knees / Drop / your

    3. your / in / head / Tuck

    4. your / the / hands / of / neck / Cover / with / your / sides


  • MORE FUN! (Ms diversin!)

  • 104

    Lesson 13I loved her performance

    On the art route

    Unit Five: On the art route


    Observen las imgenes. Dnde estn los personajes? De qu crees que hablen?

    Escuchen la conversacin anterior y lean la historia en forma silenciosa.

    A. LETS EXPLORE! (Exploremos!)

    B. LETS LISTEN AND READ! (Escuchemos y leamos!)

  • 105Unit Five: On the art route

    Mara Jos:


    Mara Jos:


    Mara Jos:

    How did you like the concert?

    I loved it! Specially the 4rst part.

    ;*'7JE +''&

    Where was he from?

    He was from Yaritagua, but he lived in Maracay for a long time.

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo:

    Formemos grupos de dos para completar el dilogo y practicarlo:

    Student A:

    Student B:

    Student A:

    Student B:

    Student A:

    Student B:

    How did you __________ his performance?

    I __________ it! Hes a great singer.

    Youre right. He sings ______________.

    I _____________liked the second part.


    Yes. It ____________ an unforgettable concert.

    C. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

    (Ahora, practiquemos!)D. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!

  • 106 Unit Five: On the art route

    Lee y aprende las palabras y expresiones que utilizaste en el ejercicio anterior y otras.

    Rosa plays the piano. Shes a great pianist. Pablo plays the violin. He is a marvellous violinist.

    E. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

    Arturo plays the bass. Hes an excellent bassist. Henry plays the harp. Hes an awesome harpist.

  • 107Unit Five: On the art route

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo:

    Student A:

    Student B:

    Student A:

    Student B:

    Student A:


    Really? What kind of music was it?

    It was a jazz band.

    How did you like it?

    It was incredibly good! And theyre only four musicians.

    F. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

    G. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

    Rosolina can dance. Shes a dancer.

    Observa las imgenes y lo que se dice de ellas:

    Daifra and Manolo act. Shes an actress and hes an actor.

    Jess conducts an orchestra. Hes a conductor. Gabriel Ros plays the cuatro. Hes a cuatro player.

  • 108 Unit Five: On the art route

    I. READING AND REFLECTING (leyendo y re>exionando)

    Lee y responde verdadero o falso. Escribe en tu cuaderno la informacin verdadera para las que sean falsas:

    Teresa Carreo was a piano concert pianist, singer and composer. She was born in Caracas on December 22

    nd, 1853. She gave her 4rst piano concert at the age of nine at the Irving Hall Theater, in New York. She

    gave concerts all around the world and became really famous. She died in New York on June 17,1917.


    1. Teresa Carreo could not sing.

    2. Her 4rst piano concert was in 1866.

    3. She died when she was 63 years old.

    4. She gave her 4rst concert in England.

    H. ALL EARS! (Todo odos!)

    Escucha las oraciones y une el nombre de las personas con lo que se dice de ellos:

    1. Glen and Christian


    3. Roberto and Manuel

    4. Salvador

    great harpists

    an amazing bassist

    marvelous violinists

    awesome cuatro players

    an excellent violinist

    marvelous singers

  • 109Unit Five: On the art route

    1. Observa como realizan ellos sus acciones:

    Nikita is a marvelous singer.She sang marvelously last night.

    Hilario is an amazing painter.He paints amazingly.

    Francisco is a graceful dancer.He danced gracefully yesterday.

    Alejandro is an awesome composer. He composes awesomely.

    2. Observa en los siguiente cuadros los cambios de categora gramatical y su lugar en la oracin:

    Adjective Adverb

    AwesomeSlowNiceQuietAmazingMarvellous ExcellentAwfulClear


    AwesomelySlowlyNicelyQuietlyAmazinglyMarvellously ExcellentlyAwfullyClearly

    Verb noun






    J. BUILDING BLOCKS (Bloques de construccin)

  • 110 Unit Five: On the art route

    (Re>exionemos y creemos)

    Student A:

    Student B:

    Student C:

    Student B:

    Student A:

    Student B:

    How did you __________ the concert?

    I loved it! Shes a _______________ concert violinist.

    Youre right. She played ______________.

    I liked the ______________part.

    Those _____________ all jazz pieces.

    Yes. It was an ______________concert.

    (Ahora, Practiquemos!)K. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!

    Subraya el adjetivo o el adverbio, segn corresponda:

    1. The conductor moved slowly/slow.

    2. The guitarist played a softly/soft song,

    3. The choir sang loudly/loud.

    4. His notes were clearly/clear.

    5. Their performance was awfully/awful.


    Rudy is an awful singer. He sang awfully at the concert.

    There was a quiet audience at that theater. They listened quietly.

    He directed Romeo and Juliet. Hes a good director.


  • Lesson 14He founded it many years ago

    On the art route



    Unit Five: On the art route

    A. LETS EXPLORE! (Exploremos!)

    B. LETS LISTEN AND READ! (Escuchemos y leamos!)

    Observen las imgenes. Dnde estn los personajes? De qu crees que hablen?

    Escuchen la conversacin anterior y lean la historia en forma silenciosa.

  • 113Unit Five: On the art route

    C. LETS LISTEN, READ AND SAY! (Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

    (Ahora, practiquemos!)D. NOW, LETS PRACTICE!

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo:

    Mara Gabriela:


    Mara Gabriela:


    Mara Gabriela:


    No. I study there, but Im a soloist. What about you?

    I play the piano, and they already have a pianist.

    *%1 >*'%1**

    Thats good news! Shes a good alto, and shes a friend of mine.

    Formemos grupos de dos para completar el dilogo y practicarlo:

    Student A:

    Student B:

    Student A:

    Student B:

    Student A:


    No, I dont. Im a ____________. What about you?

    I do. I play the _____________.


    Thats __________ news. ___________s a friend of mine.

  • 114 Unit Five: On the art route

    Tamara is a soprano. Andrs is a tenor.

    Juana is an alto. Jorge is a bass.

    They can both reach high notes.

    They can both reach low notes.

    Adems de orquestas, las escuelas de msica tienen coros. Hay cuatro tipos de voces principales:

    E. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

  • 115Unit Five: On the art route

    G. LETS READ AND LEARN! (Leamos y aprendamos!)

    Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilo