
Propaganda Jude . Kyle . Libby . Roan . Eytan

Purpose of Propaganda Persuading or scaring the German people

into adapting the nazi point of view/beliefs

Keep the German people on their “side”Promotion of ideas/ ideology of the group“The essence of propaganda consists in winning people

over to an idea ... and cannot escape from it” - Goebbels

Reich Chamber of Commerce Incharge of all literature, art,

music, film, radio and newspaper released to the public

Anyone not apart of the Chamber of Commerce wasn’t allowed to publish

System of censorship, only see/hear what nazi wanted you to see/hear

Print - Anti-Semitism was a big part of Hitler’s

Ideology. However, during his election campaign, he toned down his attacks on Jews and instead stressed the need for national unity and strong leadership

The goals of print propaganda were:- To create a positive image of Hitler and

the Nazi Party

- To create a negative view of those considered to be enemies, particularly Jews, but also Romani (Gypsies) , homosexuals, and Bolsheviks (communists)

Messages of Print PropagandaHitler, portrayed as a heroic leader

Messages of Print PropagandaThe Reich will never be destroyed if your are united, supporting, and loyalLinking himself to the army with Hindenburg

Messages of Print PropagandaAppealing to mothers and families, and promoting motherhood.“German women think of your children”

Messages of Print Propaganda Youthful idealism

“Youth serves the Fuhrer”

Messages of Print Propaganda

“Workers of the mind and hand –

Vote for thefront soldier Hitler!”

Audio It was most convenient for the German publicto use the radio to get information.

Rallies - Creating the Nazi image- Control & order within the party - Overwhelming, powerful & unity - Showing the world and the German

people, the power of the Nazi Party

- Nuremberg stadium

Culture - Many Propaganda against Jewish culture

- The hate of many jewish people won the support over many German citizens


- The Nazi Party had used film to their own advantage in spreading their own message

- They set up their own film department and use Leni Riefenstahl to make their propaganda films and get people to join the nazi party or believe in it.

Message behind the Triumph of Will

- It shows the will of how the Nazi party is strong and how Hitler is seen as the saviour of germany

- Goebbels believed that film is a very good in changing people and influencing the masses to support Hitler

Olympia - Shows the Aryan race as strong and

powerful as a whole

- Basically showing the success of the Berlin olympics