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1.2 Área Curricular: inglés

1.3 Practicante: ANTONIO MORENO POLO

1.4 Grado: SECUNDO

1.5 Sección: A

1.6 Trimestre: I

1.8 Duración: 80’

1.9 Fecha: 11 DE JUNIO DE 2012


-Expresión y ComprensiónOral: Infiere el tema del documento icónico-textual y elcontenido

teniendo en cuenta los elementosparatextuales.-

Comprensión de Textos:Discrimina la información relevante de lacomplementaria utilizando la

técnica del “scanning”.-

Producción de Textos:Organiza la secuencia coherente de sus ideas paraexpresar en forma escrita

la posibilidad de hacer o noalgo empleando conectores lógicos como “and ”, “but ”.


Actitud frente aláreaComportamientoResponsabilidad

Participa demaneraresponsablefrente al área deinglés.-Presenta sus tareas en la fechaacordada.-

Trae el material de trabajo a clase.-Participa en las actividadespropuestas por la docente.-Pide

aclaraciones según susnecesidades.-Asiste puntualmente a clases.


Educación para la convivencia, la paz y la ciudadanía.

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el docente ingresa al salón y saluda a los estudiantes. Luego toma la asistencia. Se da inicio a la

sesiónmostrándoles una fotografía del aeropuerto JKF y haciéndoles las siguientes preguntas:

What is this? That’s right! It is an airport.

What is the name oftrujillo’s airport? What is the name of lima’s airport?

Do you know what the name of New York’s airport is?

What is an abbreviation? Is JFK an abbreviation? Who is “JFK” the abbreviation? Whowas JFK?

Lista deestudiantesLapiceroFotografía

(Anexo Nº 01)5’

Luego escribe el título de la sesión en la parte central de la pizarra:

So, the name of the lesson is:“


A continuación, el docente escribe la función comunicativa de la sesión:

We are going to talk about the possibility to do something.

Después les muestra el documento icónico-textual e inicia su explotación (Anexo Nº 02 ejercicio

Nº 1).A medida que se desarrolla la explotación del documento, los alumnos deberán responder

lassiguientes preguntas (Anexo Nº 03).

Look at the text, but don’t read.

How many people do you see? How is she? Is she young or old?

How many types of transport are there in the text?

Which types of transport are there in the text?

What is the color of the taxi? What is the color of the train?

What color is the bus? What is the color of the subway?

Which types of transport are there in Peru?

How many paragraphs are there in the text?

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What is this text about?

El vocabulario, que surge durante el desarrollo de la sesión, será escrito en el margen izquierdo;

mientrasque el aspecto cultural será escrito en el margen derecho de la pizarra.Inmediatamente

después de las respuestas obtenidas, el docente realiza la recapitulación de las mismas:

So, we can see that there is a photograph of a woman and five paragraphs. There are also three

meansof transport: a taxi, a train and a subway. Maybe this text is about means of transport.

PapeloteLimpiatipoTizas decoloresPizarraCopias15’

Enseguida, el docente indica a los estudiantes que van a escuchar el diálogo para completar los

espaciosen blanco.

Listen to the recording and fill in the blank spaces.

Luego el docente indica a los estudiantes que lean el párrafo que se encuentra debajo de la


Read only the paragraph below the photograph.

Después indica a los estudiantes que respondan las siguientes preguntas:

What is the name of the woman?

Where is she?

Where does she want to go?

What time is it?

What time does she want to be at JFK Airport?

How much money does she have?

How many ways are there to get JFK Airport?

A continuación, el docente indica a los estudiantes que lean los párrafos restantes y completen la

siguientetabla (Anexo Nº 02 ejercicio Nº 2).

Read about tour ways to get JFK Airport and complete the table.

Luego el docente realiza las siguientes preguntas:-

In your opinion, what is the best way?

-What is the way number 1?

What is the way number 2?

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What is the way number 3?

What is the way number 4?

A medida que los estudiantes responden las preguntas anteriores, el docente escribe en la pizarra

solo loque los estudiantes le indican para elaborar el siguiente cuadro:

You can take a taxi.You can take a subway (the “A” train) to Howard Beach-JFK Station and then a

bus to the airport terminal.You can walk through Central Park to the Museum of Natural History.

From there, you can take thesubway to Howard Beach-JFK Station and then an Air Train to the JFK

Airport Station.You can take a subway to Grand Central Station. From there you can take the New

York Express Bus.

LimpiatipoPapeloteTizas decoloresPizarraLibrosCuadernosLapiceros15’

Más De Este Usuario3 p.

REGISTRO AUXILIARhenry2678 Reads.3 p.


Enseguida el docente dirige la atención de los estudiantes hacia sus respuestas escritas en la

pizarra, conla finalidad de que determinen la función del “can” para expresar la posibilidad de

hacer algo.

Look at the sentences.

What word can you find in all the sentences?

What does “can” express in all the sentences? Does “can” express ability or possibility?

If can express possibility, what does “can’t” express?

What does “could” express? What does “couldn’t” express? So, we use “can” to say that it is

possible to do something and we use “can’t” to say that it is impossibleto do something.

Tizas decoloresPizarraCuadernosLapiceros20’


Luego se indica que realicen el ejercicio número 1 de la página 56 del libro.

What do these sentences express? Abilityorpossibility?

Al término, el docente corrige el ejercicio con ayuda de los


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Después la docente indica a los estudiantes que organicen sus ideas siguiendo una secuencia

coherentepara expresar en forma escrita la posibilidad de hacer o no algo empleando conectores

lógicos como

“and” y“but”



Expresión yComprensiónOral

-Infiere el tema del documento icónico-textual y elcontenido teniendo en cuenta los

elementosparatextuales.-Infiere el tema del documento icónico-textual y elcontenido teniendo en

cuenta los elementosparatextuales para responder a las preguntasformuladas.Práctica Calificada

Comprensión deTextos

Discrimina la información relevante de lacomplementaria utilizando la técnica del“scanning

” para completar la tabla.Práctica Calificada

Producción deTextos

Organiza la secuencia coherente de sus ideaspara expresar en forma escrita la posibilidad dehacer

o no algo empleando conectores lógicoscomo and ”, “but ”.

Organiza la secuencia coherente de sus ideaspara redactar en su cuaderno la posibilidad dehacer o

no algo este fin de semana; empleandoconectores como and”, “but ”.Lista de cotejoActitud ante e


-Presenta sus tareas en la fecha acordada.-Trae el material de trabajo a clase.-Participa en las

actividades propuestas por la docente.-Pide aclaraciones según sus necesidades.-Asiste

puntualmente a clases.Guía de observación






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Unit 9

Name ……………………………………………Date:……… /……… /………Class: 4thSection:………I.

Look at the text, but don’t read. Then answer the next questions.

(10x½=5 pts.)

1.How many people do you see?

..........................................................................................................................................2.How many

types of transport are there in the text?


types of transport are there in the text?

..........................................................................................................................................4.What is

the color of the taxi? It

is.....................................................................................................................................5.What is the

color of the train?

..........................................................................................................................................6.What color

is the bus?

..........................................................................................................................................7.What is

the color of the subway?


types of transport are there in Peru?

..........................................................................................................................................9.How many

paragraphs are there in the text? There

are...........................................................................................................................10.What is this

text about? ..........................................................................................................................................

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Unit 9

Name:……………………………………………Date:……… /……… /………Class: 4ndSection:…

I.Look at the text, but don’t read. Then answer the next questions.(10x½=5 pts.)

1.How many people do you see?

..........................................................................................................................................2.How many

types of transport are there in the text?


types of transport are there in the text?

..........................................................................................................................................4.What is

the color of the taxi? It

is...................................................................................................................................5.What is the

color of the train?

..........................................................................................................................................6.What color

is the bus?

..........................................................................................................................................7.What is

the color of the subway?


types of transport are there in Peru?

..........................................................................................................................................9.How many

paragraphs are there in the text? There

are..........................................................................................................................10.What is this text

about? ..........................................................................................................................................

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Unit 9

Name:……………………………………………Date:……… /……… /………Class: 4ndSection:……

I.Look at the text, but don’t read. Then answer the next questions.(10x½=5 pts.)

1.How many people do you see?

..........................................................................................................................................2.How many

types of transport are there in the text?


types of transport are there in the text?

..........................................................................................................................................4.What is

the color of the taxi? It

is...................................................................................................................................5.What is the

color of the train?

..........................................................................................................................................6.What color

is the bus?

..........................................................................................................................................7.What is

the color of the subway?


types of transport are there in Peru?

..........................................................................................................................................9.How many

paragraphs are there in the text? There

are..........................................................................................................................10.What is this text

about? ..........................................................................................................................................

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Unit 9

Name: …………………………………………Date……/……/………Class: 4ndSection:……

I.Look at the text, but don’t read. Then answer the next questions.(10x½=5 pts.)

How many people do you see?

..........................................................................................................................................How many

types of transport are there in the text?

..........................................................................................................................................Which types

of transport are there in the text?

..........................................................................................................................................What is the

color of the taxi? It

is...................................................................................................................................What is the

color of the train?

..........................................................................................................................................What color

is the bus?

..........................................................................................................................................What is the

color of the subway?

..........................................................................................................................................Which types

of transport are there in Peru?

..........................................................................................................................................How many

paragraphs are there in the text? There

are..........................................................................................................................What is this text

about? ..........................................................................................................................................

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Unit 9

Name:……………………………………………Date:……… /……… /………Class: 4ndSection:……

I.Look at the text, but don’t read. Then answer the next questions.(10x½=5 pts.)

How many people do you see?

..........................................................................................................................................How many

types of transport are there in the text?

..........................................................................................................................................Which types

of transport are there in the text?

..........................................................................................................................................What is the

color of the taxi? It

is...................................................................................................................................What is the

color of the train?

..........................................................................................................................................What color

is the bus?

..........................................................................................................................................What is the

color of the subway?

..........................................................................................................................................Which types

of transport are there in Peru?

..........................................................................................................................................How many

paragraphs are there in the text? There

are..........................................................................................................................What is this text

about? ..........................................................................................................................................