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Restivo tpd -lesson plan 2

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Alumno Residente: Restivo Gisela

Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario.

Institución: Colegio Salesiano Deán Funes

Dirección: Don Bosco 350- Comodoro Rivadavia

Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 4to año

Cantidad de alumnos: 25

Nivel lingüístico del curso: Pre Intermediate

Tipo de Planificación: clase

Unidad Temática: Haciendo planes y predicciones!

Clase Nº: 2

Fecha: 12 de Septiembre

Hora: 10.30 a 11.10 hs.

Duración de la clase: 40 minutos

Teaching points: Future tense

Aims: During this lesson, learners will be able to:

Review the use of present continuous for future arrangements.

Review and learn vocabulary about work.

Develop their speaking skills by expressing their opinion about safety conditions

Language focus:


REVISION Expressing



He is visiting...

He is writing a



NEW Oil workers,



Teaching approach: The lesson is based on the communicative approach. Pedagogical use of ICT in class: There is no use of ICT. Materials: Images of workers, poster with Ben´s diary, 25 photocopies of Ben´s diary, 25 photocopies oh homework. Seating arrangement: During this lesson plan, students will sit individually. Cooperative work: There is no cooperative work during the lesson.

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Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: I do not think there might be a problem. Potential problems students may have with the language: Student may not remember the use of present continuous to talk about future arrangements. So, I will write a sentence on the blackboard and remind them the correct use. Assessment: what will be assessed and how: During this lesson, I will take register of who brings the previous day´s homework. In addition, I will pay special attention to students´ work and participation during the whole class.

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Routine ( 10 min)

I will get in to the class, and greet my students. As always, I will say: “Good morning. How are you

today?” EA: Hello, fine.

After greeting my students, I will ask: “Did you do the homework? EA: yes. Then, I will name three

different students to answer the questions. In order to name students, I will say numbers and I will

check how they are by looking their order in the list. I will ask them to come to the blackboard and

write their answers there.

Then, I will ask to the class: Any doubts? Are your answers the same? EA: I expect students to tell

me if their answers are OK and if they have any doubts.

Warm up (6 min)

I will show students the following photos and ask them: Who are them? I expect students to say

“workers” T: Good, they are workers. But are they teachers? Doctors? Taxi drivers? EA: no. T:

Good. They are oil workers.

Then, I will write on: What do you think, is this job safe? As this is a very common work in our city,

and some of their fathers work in oil companies, I expect students to give their opinions.

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Presentation (5 min)

In order to present the activity and to review the use of Present Continuous to talk about

arrangements, I will say: “Nowadays, all companies hire a safety officer who is the one who cares

about the safety of all the workers. Now, Look. This is Ben. He is a safety officer. (I will display this

image on the blackboard, write, his name, and his job)


After that, I will show them Ben´s diary for the following week and write: Ben is meeting the safety

manager on Monday, at 9.30. They are discussing the safety report. ( I will write the diary on a

poster, so that is bigger than the photocopy).

Transition: Let´s work with Ben´s diary.

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MON (1) 09.30 meet safety manager- discuss safety report

(2) 14. 00 take helicopter - meet company manager


TUE (3) 16: 00 write new safety rules


WED (4) 8:30 inspect fire exits

(5) 10: 00 visit Platform


THU (6) 09.30 write report about visit

(7) 15:00 supervise electrical connections


FRI (8) day off! - (9) 16:00 dentist´s

Activity taken and adapted from: Technical English 2A- Student´s book-Pearson Longman-

Activity 1 (12 min)

In order to allow students to review the structure, I will give a photocopy of Ben´s diary to each

student. I will explain: This is Ben´s diary. Look at his notes and write sentences using present

continuous. You have the first done on the blackboard to help you!

As they are working, I will walk near them providing help when necessary.

After all students have finished, I will ask them to complete the diary on the blackboard so that all

of them can check. For this purpose, I will name different students to come to the front and write

the sentences on the poster.

At this stage, I will encourage to check if their sentences are Ok.

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Expected answers

Ben is taking and Helicopter on Monday at 14. He is meeting the company manager.

Ben is writing new safety rules on Tuesday at 16.

Ben is inspecting the fire exits on Wednesday at 8.30. And he is visiting the platform at 10.

He is writing the report about his visit on Thursday at 9.30 and at 15 o´clock he is supervising

electrical connections

Ben is going to the dentist´s on Friday.

Transition: Good work!

Homework: (4 min)

I will give students a similar diary that they will have to complete. I will explain: This is your next

week diary. Complete it as homework and write sentences about you. You will have to hand it in

for next class.

Homework: Complete diary. Then write sentences using Present Continuous. You can write about

exams, birthdays, football matches, meetings and all your arrangements for next week!













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Closure: (3 min)

I will ask students to stick the photocopy on the folder and be prepared for the following class.

Lesson plan component

Excellent 5

Very Good 4

Good 3

Acceptable 2

Below Standard 1

Visual organization x

Learning aims x

Variety of resources – Learning styles


Stages and activities x

Teaching strategies x

Class. management strategies


Language accuracy x

Observations Minimum score: 21 / 35 Score: _22___ /35 = 6.5 Dear Gisela, You are worried about timing, but do not rush through the lesson. Remember you adhere to a communicative approach, thus you should encourage students to communicate meaningfully. For further lesson plans, pay special attention to learning aims –they should be related to the skills that students will develop. As well as this, try to present homework correction as a valid and interesting part of the learning process. Check understanding and model the activities. Have a nice lesson! Your tutors