1. Resumir concepto de codificacion de entrevistas cualitativas 2. Describir proceso de codificación en Fase 1 de Sindemias 3. Describir roles y responsabilidades 4. Establecer calendarios y logística de codificación Proyecto Sindemias: Entrenamiento Codificación

Proyecto Sindemias: Entrenamiento Codificacion

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Page 1: Proyecto Sindemias: Entrenamiento Codificacion

1. Resumir concepto de codificacion de entrevistas cualitativas

2. Describir proceso de codificación en Fase 1 de

Sindemias3.  Describir roles y responsabilidades4. Establecer calendarios y logística de


Proyecto Sindemias: Entrenamiento Codificación

Page 2: Proyecto Sindemias: Entrenamiento Codificacion

• La investigación cualitativa puede generar miles de paginas de texto (transcripciones y notas)

• El proceso analítico requiere de un proceso de reducción de información

• La codificación es la forma de reducir la información según temas de interés

• Requiere de una jerarquía de códigos y sub-códigos (o a veces sub-sub-códigos) para

reducir la información en una forma sistemática

Proyecto Sindemias: Entrenamiento Codificación

Page 3: Proyecto Sindemias: Entrenamiento Codificacion

Temas, sub-temas, y expresiones para un estudio hipotético sobre la masculinidad


E.g., Los hombres son “tigueres”


E.g., Los hombres son mujeriegos


E.g., Los hombres son



E.g., Los hombres son



E.g., “Yo se como seducir a una mujer”; “Ya tengo 24 anios y todavia no tengo hijos!”; “No dejo que la

gente hable mierda de mi,” etc.

Page 4: Proyecto Sindemias: Entrenamiento Codificacion

Se definen los temas y sub-temas en un libro de códigos

El libro de códigos garantiza consistencia y claridad en la forma en que las expresiones se codifican

en el análisis

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Ejemplo: Estudio de la masculinidad Dominicana

P: Que tipo de trabajo tu haces cuando estas en tu casa?

R: No, no hago nada en la casa. Siempre tengo que trabajar en la calle para proveer todo a la familia, y mi mujer sabe que no hago nada en casa. Porque si un hombre esta haciendo lo que debe hacer para proveer a la familia y sus hijos, eso es lo mas importante. Y ella entiende eso.

Cual de los siguientes códigos se debe aplicar a esta expresión?

- Proveedor de familia

- Roles del hogar

- Valor de hijos

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Elementos de un libro de códigos• Nombres cortos y definiciones

– Ej., “MIEDOVIH” = Expresa miedo o ansiedad relacionado a VIH/SIDA

– Nota: Los nombres mas cortos son mejores• Definición de inclusión

– Ej., Incluye miedo a contraer el VIH para uno mismo u otros; también incluye miedo a las personas con VIH/SIDA

– Definición de criterios de exclusión – Ej., Excluye cualquier expresión sobre el

miedo de pasar el VIH a otros, en el caso de que la persona es VIH-positivo (ver código MIEDO-TRANS)

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A. Controlling information regarding sexual activities (CI)

Mnemonic Brief description Full description inclusion Full description exclusion


Controlling info


Controlling information to others regarding sexual activities with other men

Might include sex with transgender or travesties

Most commonLong passagesStatements indicating

disclosing or concealing information to others on sex with other men either for money or pleasure

Include statements about discussing sex work with other sex workers as well

Do not include statements about negotiations of sexual activities with clients (see sex work codes)

Statements such as “I don’t tell my wife about what I do outside the home,” or “It’s best to keep that information to yourself, out of respect.”

Subcodes1. Communication/performance for wives/girlfriends (CI-WG)2. Communication/performance for family members (CI-FM)3. Communication/performance for friends and others (CI-FR)

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Memos – Una clave en el análisis

• Que pasa cuando el investigador tiene una observación importante o no encuentra un código para un concepto emergente?

• Los memos se usan para:– Elaborar códigos (por ej., cuando un código

no aplica perfectamente o es una nueva expresión del tema)

– Captar ideas analíticas (se te ocurre una idea o una conexión importante en el proceso)

– Elaborar “memos analíticos” que pueden servir para publicaciones o informes

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2 formas de crear un libro de códigos• 1. Teoría anclada o “grounded” (Codificación

abierta Libro de códigos Codificación focalizada)– Ej., empezar con codificación abierta con una

sub-muestra de entrevistas, y después finalizar un libro de códigos para codificación focalizada

• 2. Temas preestablecidos: Libro de códigos es el producto de una serie de ideas o preguntas preestablecidas. – Ej, Crear libro de códigos para comenzar la

codificación focalizada sin revisar transcripciones o realizar codificación abierta.

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Proceso de codificación en Sindemias

• 1. Desarrollo de un libro de códigos por el equipo investigativo– Revisión de una muestra de entrevistas y notas etnográficas – Elaboración de libro de códigos para la codificación focalizada en


• 2. Equipo de codificadores realiza codificación (incluyendo memos) en pares usando “comentarios” en Word– Asignación de cada transcripción a un Codificar Primario y un Codificar

Secundario– Codificador Primario codifica una transcripción asignada y la pasa a al

codificador secundario para re-codificar (chequear y agregar o sugerir modificaciones a los códigos)

– Codificador segundario devuelve la transcripción con comentarios y sugerencias de modificación; el par discute cualquier diferencia de opinión para llegar a consenso

– Codificador primario es responsable de terminar la codificación y pasar la transcripción codificada al supervisor (José Colon)

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Proceso de codificación en Sindemias

• 3. Supervisor de codificación revisa el trabajo, da retroalimentación, pide modificaciones, y pasa la transcripción al encargado de la base de datos en NVIVO (Martin Tsang)– Encargado de la entrada de datos entra los códigos a la base de

NVIVO bajo supervisión del Investigador Principal

• 4. Comienzo de codificación: Aproximadamente Octubre 10, 2014 (primeras transcripciones pendientes; se realizara la codificación simultáneamente con la llegada de transcripciones)

• 5. Reuniones internacionales de análisis – En diciembre o enero realizaremos una primera reunión internacional

de análisis

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Uso de Dropbox• Se utilizara Dropbox para asignar e intercambiar

transcripciones durante la codificación • Invitación a nueva carpeta de Dropbox esta

semana• Carpetas para cada codificador (según nombre):

– “Entrevistas asignadas a [nombre de codificador]-Primario” – carpeta donde se asignara nuevas transcripciones para codificar

– “Entrevistas asignadas a [nombre de codificador]-Secundario” – carpeta donde tu “par” depositara transcripciones que requieren tu codificación

– “Entrevistas codificadas – Consenso” (archivos listos para entregar al supervisor) - Carpeta donde pondras las transcripciones consensuadas si eres el codificar primario

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• Una tabla de entrevistas asignadas y los pares estará en Dropbox; se actualizara mientras vayan llegando las transcripciones

• La tabla especifica fechas para la entrega de cada transcripción codificada por Dropbox

Uso de Dropbox

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Confidencialidad• Este estudio tiene datos sobre conductas

estigmatizantes e ilegales; la confidencialidad debe mantenerse en todo momento

• No compartir ni discutir ningún aspecto de las entrevistas con nadie fuera del equipo investigativo

• Establecer una clave a la computadora que usa para codificar; no compartir la computadora

• Borrar archivos de transcripciones codificadas una vez entregados y confirmados por el supervisor

• No tener copias de transcripciones en “pin drives” o copias impresas

• Certificarse en el sistema de “CITI” para la ética en investigaciones con “sujetos humanos”

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Responsabilidades• Entregar transcripciones codificadas a tiempo• Comunicar preguntas / dificultades al supervisor o

el PI• Anotar y comunicar dudas relacionadas a los

códigos y su aplicación

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What are some things to look for to guide you toward main codes?

• Repetition – repeated words, phrases, gestures, patterns of speech

• Indigenous Typologies or Categories – use and meaning of local terms

• Metaphors and Analogies

• Linguistic Connectors – may suggest perceived causality by the participant

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What do you look for to identify themes? (cont’d)

• Missing data• Theory-related material• Similarities and Differences - How is

one expression different from or similar to the other?– Note: this is often facilitated by

theoretical sampling!

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Emerson’s Approach to Thematic Narratives:

• Advocate developing a “Thematic narrative” as a basis for ethnographic writing

• Approaches ethnographies as “narrative tales” – uses literary devices to construct a narrative that will interest outside audiences

• It is an approach that is fieldnote-centered, and incorporates “several analytic themes or concepts linked by a common topic”

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Key points

• This manner of writing is more inductive, grounded in ethnographic description, and circling back to the thematic idea to elaborate it as the narrative advances

• It foregrounds an “ordered progression of fieldnote excerpts” that do the work of the story-telling

• The process recommends not beginning with a hypothesis or thesis, but rather allowing the analysis to grow with the process of writing (facilitates discovery)

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Steps: Identify a general topic or question

• This topic statement is informed by memos or coding (NVIVO and other programs may facilitate this)

• It can be determined by looking at themes and evaluating how they “hang together” (discarding those that seem not relevant to the topic as it emerges, or otherwise underdeveloped)

• Integration of themes can be loose (especially initially)

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Example of the generation of themes from topics

• For a study of the social construction of ethnicity, the following themes are written: – I provide an overview of some different ways ethnicity is use in

schools – I demonstrate that students refer to and recognize different

social and ethnic groups, but that the composition of the group varies

– I examine the use of black ethnicity and the ways black social groups maintain ethnic boundaries.

– I discuss people who use ethnic aesthetics of other people (whites’ use of black styles), in terms of boundary definitions.

– I analyze ethnic conflict as a process of generating cultural distinctions.

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Prioritization of themes:

• “Fieldworkers regularly find that they have many more themes than they are able to include in any particular manuscript.”

• Frequency and intensity of themes

• Themes that speak to central concerns in the discipline or in the local region or culture

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The production of a “convincing” ethnographic text

• An “interplay of concrete exemplification and discursive commentary”

• Emphasis on fieldnote-centered texts that are highly evocative

• Select segments of fieldnotes and begin to weave them with interpretive commentary

• Select segments that are unusually moving, poignant, or vivid that bring the readers into the experience

• Notes including voices of participants

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Back to iterativity• As the ethnographic interpretation evolves, new

pieces of fieldnotes may become relevant and incorporated

• Writing contributes to iterativity by permitting the ethnographer to objectify the arguments and compare them to other data for consistency / nuance

• The usefulness of identifying contrasts / differences between cases

• Selection of extreme cases for targeted ethnographic observations

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Articulation of emerging distinctions

• Write out narrative prose about the contrasts and distinctions you are finding

• E.g., “While Maria tended to view her family’s reactions to her non-normative gender as something rooted in their religious philosophy, Lourdes saw her family’s perceptions as linked to their understanding of familial respectability. It is possible that because these two individuals had very different childhood socialization in doctrinal religion, they developed very different gendered identities.”

• This process may organically produce an interpretation, expressed as a “thesis statement”

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Setting fieldnotes (data) and analysis (commentary) apart

• “Excerpt commentary unit” – A unit composed of a vivid fieldwork excerpt that illustrates an analytic point, and develops an ethnographically grounded interpretation, guiding the reader to through the analysis

• See example, p. 182• Basic structure: (1) analytic point, (2) orienting

information, (3) fieldnote excerpt, (4) Analytic commentary

• Intended to keep analysis grounded, and ensure relationship between data and interpretation

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Representation and authority in narrative development

• Excerpts built into analytic commentaries begin to “tell a convincing story”

• The ethnographer writes a story that takes the reader through cross-cutting themes with slight variations grounded in stories along the way

• In a book-length ethnography, field data functions as a “web” through which readers may begin to perceive distant linkages and affordances across a lengthy text – a “unified whole”

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Editing fieldnotes for inclusion in excerpts

• Selecting pieces that are most critical for illustrating themes

• Editing with ellipses as needed• Altering proper names or places as needed• Re-wording or re-phrasing fieldnotes for

more efficient communication• Appropriate punctuation and

contextualization (e.g., term definitions)

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Organization of analytic points within sub-sections

• Identify a sub-heading or theme

• Incorporate each theme into an analytic commentary unit

• See p. 195 for example

• Pay attention to order, transition, and logical flow of connections between units

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Titling and introducing ethnographic analyses

• Titles link analytic concepts to specific topics / questions– Caribbean Pleasure Industry: Tourism,

Sexuality, and AIDS in the Dominican Republic– Love and Globalization: Transformations of

Intimacy in the Contemporary World • Introductions grab the reader, articulate a gap, and

make (or foreshadow) a fundamental ethnographic argument

• Introductions carve out a gap in the literature

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Specifying the “Setting”

• Describe population and / or physical characteristics of community

• Elaborate on access to the field and positionality

• May provide excerpts of fieldnotes to illustrate positionality

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Writing the Conclusion

• Restates the central thesis and may summarize key ethnographic points presented (a gestalt view of the ethnography)

• It may link together previously disparate pieces in an overall system, or offer resolutions to apparent inconsistencies

• Extend the scope and reach (e.g., possible implications for related lines of inquiry)

• Alternately, it may elaborate on the impact of the findings on the scholarly literature in this area

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Morse: Reporting Qualitative Research, Writing Qualitative Research for

applied practitioners

• Preparatory steps:– Specifying audience– “Complete the analysis” (analysis may in fact

be ongoing)– Outline the article, including quotations or


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Issues in publication of qualitative research

• Choosing journals– Review candidate journals: Do they publish

similar topics? Is the data I have similar in style, presentation, and analytic approach? Are the methodological or theoretical aspects of publications in this journal similar to my own?

• Following format, style requirements, and bibliographic conventions

• Use of Endnote, RefWorks, or some other bibliographic software can assist in formatting

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Lofland & Lofland on Lofland & Lofland on “Writing as practice”“Writing as practice”

Writing as daily practice of qualitative Writing as daily practice of qualitative research; the fuel for analysis in qualitative research; the fuel for analysis in qualitative researchresearch

Memos, summaries, and field notes often Memos, summaries, and field notes often serve as scaffolding for reports / articlesserve as scaffolding for reports / articles

Beginning questions for guiding arguments Beginning questions for guiding arguments emerge from writingemerge from writing

Specific narrative segments (excerpts) can Specific narrative segments (excerpts) can then function as a exploration / elaboration then function as a exploration / elaboration

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Emphasis on positionality Emphasis on positionality and reflexivity in a and reflexivity in a qualitative reportqualitative report

More common in ethnographic and other field More common in ethnographic and other field studies; lack of reflexivity in most scientific studies; lack of reflexivity in most scientific studies reproduces the studies reproduces the ““black boxblack box”” phenomenon phenomenon

Provides descriptive context for understanding Provides descriptive context for understanding how the researcher collected data, established how the researcher collected data, established relationships, conducted recruitment, and relationships, conducted recruitment, and interpretationinterpretation

When provided, reflexivity gives insight into how When provided, reflexivity gives insight into how the researcher came to conclusions, as well as the researcher came to conclusions, as well as potential biases of interpretation or analysispotential biases of interpretation or analysis

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L & LL & L’’s basic components of s basic components of a Qualitative Reporta Qualitative Report

AbstractAbstract Title with Title with ““Generic Propositional ReferentGeneric Propositional Referent””

E.g., E.g., ““Illness Career Descent in Institutions for Illness Career Descent in Institutions for the Elderlythe Elderly””

E.g., E.g., ““Creating Cases in a Regulatory AgencyCreating Cases in a Regulatory Agency”” First paragraphs stating: Scientific gaps / First paragraphs stating: Scientific gaps /

questions; overview of study (Approach and questions; overview of study (Approach and Source of Data)Source of Data)

Literature ReviewLiterature Review Early Overview of major arguments Early Overview of major arguments


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Data Sources and Methods usedData Sources and Methods used Clear organization of sub-sectionsClear organization of sub-sections Summary and ConclusionSummary and Conclusion BibliographyBibliography Appropriate stylistic / writing Appropriate stylistic / writing


L & LL & L’’s basic components of s basic components of a Qualitative Reporta Qualitative Report

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First person is more common in First person is more common in qualitative researchqualitative research

Voice often moves from first person Voice often moves from first person omniscient to “voices” of subjects, omniscient to “voices” of subjects, providing providing hybrid voicehybrid voice

Participant narratives integrated Participant narratives integrated into analytic summary propositions into analytic summary propositions (logical guideposts) arranged in (logical guideposts) arranged in logical orderlogical order

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Evaluating Qualitative Research• Morse purports few standards for qualitative

research (outdated)• “Value” is understood as “newness” / “uniqueness” • Good qualitative research links the narrative to

interpretive process, analytic refinement, and linkage to wider literature

• Methods are clearly, explained, non-standard techniques or decisions justified, and limitations described

• Ethical considerations addressed?

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Data quality, quantity, and Data quality, quantity, and pertinence in qualitative pertinence in qualitative

researchresearch Logic of presentation orderLogic of presentation order

Does the order of assertions / data Does the order of assertions / data presented make logical sense? Does it presented make logical sense? Does it progress? (Does it carry the reader?)progress? (Does it carry the reader?)

Is relevant theory used for framing? Is Is relevant theory used for framing? Is theory developed or elaborated in the theory developed or elaborated in the piece? piece?

Analytic thoroughness Analytic thoroughness Various sources Various sources of data? Is there consistency and holism? of data? Is there consistency and holism?

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‘‘TruthTruth’’ and plausibility and plausibility

Does the data presented support the Does the data presented support the conclusions drawn? Are they conclusions drawn? Are they plausible in relation to existing plausible in relation to existing research and common sense? Are the research and common sense? Are the different sources of data consistent? different sources of data consistent?

Are the study’s conclusions original Are the study’s conclusions original and important? and important?

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Key features of the Key features of the qualitative reportqualitative report