Retake Exam INU611 2013OUP




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DuocUC Vicerrectora Acadmica

ET4Retake Exam


ESCUELA DE Programa de InglsPUNTAJE TOTAL: 40 pts.






I. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR: Complete the sentence. Choose the correct answer. (1 mark per answer, total 20) 1. They walked _____ the street until they found a good restaurant.

A along B under C of

2. Do you _____ to choose the music for the party?

A play B enjoy C want

3. I _____ eating out in restaurants. The food is usually good.

A dont mind B dont choose C dont offer

4. When I go cycling, I dont like to ride my bike _____ hills.

A along B under C up

5. You may see a _____ on a flower. It flies and makes honey.

A fly B spider C bee

6. Well _____ at the airport, and well be at our hotel in ten minutes.

A get a taxi B get divorced C get to work

7. Yesterday was your birthday. Did you _____ from your brother?

A get along with B get a present C get a paycheck

8. Ill _____ in a moment. Just let me sleep for five more minutes.

A get into B get out of C get up

9. Im terrified of _____. Theyre small but have too many legs.

A snakes B spiders C dogs

10. After high school, I want to _____ and study architecture.

A go to college B start work C retire

11. Were studying butterflies in _____.

A math B geography C biology 12. I dont really like going out of the house. I have a phobia of _____.

A open spaces B closed spaces C water

13. Dont call the office today. _____ will be there.

A Someone B No one C Anyone

14. A healthy person is going to _____ to work more often than an unhealthy person.

A walk B take a taxi C drive a car

15. _____ the music. Its too loud. The neighbors can hear it!

A Turn in B Turn up C Turn down

16. I usually _____ really late watching TV.

A stay up B stay down C stay back

17. _____ left a bag in the classroom. Do you know who it belongs to?

A Anyone B No one C Someone

18. She was sitting at the table when the baby _____ started to scream.

A suddenly B fortunately C luckily

19. Did you see that car? It was going too _____ for this street.

A fast B strangely C suddenly

20. Hes worried about you. Please call him _____.

A immediately B suddenly C accidentally

II. READING COMPREHENSION: Read the article. Choose True, False, or Not given. (1 mark per answer, total 8)Red Right, Green Left

Harris Johnson is a driving instructor. He has taught many students since 2009 and has lots of interesting stories about them. He started a blog last year because so many people had asked him to share his stories. Here is one funny story from his blog.

This was Ms. Youngs third driving test. It was my first time with her because I hadnt been her regular instructor. Ms. Youngs regular instructor was sick the day of her driving test.

In the car, I saw that Ms. Young had tied a green ribbon on her left arm and a red ribbon on her right arm. I silently noted her fashion statement, but didnt ask her about it. Well, that was a mistake!

She started the car smoothly and turned safely onto the road. We were approaching a left turn, so I said, Turn left.

She didnt slow the car down, so I repeated, Please turn left.

She nervously asked, Red or green?

Red or green? I dont know, Ms. Young. That makes no sense to me. Please turn left now.

Immediately Ms. Young turned right and drove the car into the lake that was on the right side of the road!

She swam quickly to shore. I, on the other hand, cant swim. I had to climb on the roof of the car. As I slowly stood up, I saw Ms. Young safe on the shore. She was wildly waving both hands at me and screamed, Mr. Johnson! Does this little accident mean I didnt pass the driving test?

The next day her regular driving instructor started to laugh quietly when he saw me. He had heard the news of Ms. Youngs little accident and wanted to apologize. He said, John, theres one little thing I forgot to tell you about Ms. Young. Shes dyslexic. She has trouble identifying right from left.

I rolled my eyes and asked, How do you ever get her to turn correctly?

Its simple, he said. Red right, green left.

1.Mr. Johnson puts his stories on a blog.

A True B False C Not given

2.Ms. Young was not one of Mr. Johnsons regular students.

A True B False C Not given 3.Ms. Young wore a red and green shirt to match her red and green ribbons.

A True B False C Not given

4.Ms. Young didnt have any problem starting the car.

A True B False C Not given

5.Ms. Young immediately slowed the car to prepare for her turn.

A True B False C Not given 6.Mr. Johnson climbed on the roof of the car because he had not learned how to swim.

A True B False C Not given

7.Mr. Johnson knew about Ms. Youngs dyslexia before her driving test.

A True B False C Not given 8.A person with dyslexia gets confused with identifying right from left. A True B False C Not given


Write 7090 words describing what you did last Saturday and how you did each activity. (12 marks)

Example: Last Saturday I