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  • 7/25/2019 02_Pista


    {\rtf\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0 Times New Roman;}{\f1 Arial;}}{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;}{\info}\paperw11907 \paperh16443 \deftab1298 \margl567 \margr567 \margt567 \margb567 \pgnstart1\ftnnar \aftnnrlc \ftnstart1 \aftnstart1 {\header \pard \ql {\fs24 \f1 02_Pista}\par \pard \ql {\fs10 \f1 }\par}{\footer \pard \qr {\fs20 \f1 \chpgn }\par}

    \pard \ql {\fs24 \f1 It had a C.C. and a little dull save the doctor's visit. Johnny was not feeling well. He had a slight headache. High fever. And all hisbody ached. His mother tried all of the known. Home remedies. But Johnny's condition became worse. So she finally decided to call. The family doctor. Anhour later. Dr. Armstrong a good position. And surgeon. Was in Johnny's bedroom. Trying to cheer the boy with amusing stories. While he examined him. With a stethoscope. Then he took his temperature. With a therm ometer. When thedoctor had finished his examination. Johnny's mother anxiously asked. What isthe matter with him Dr D. has. Rheumatic Fever. Mrs Black. Is it very serious. It can affect his heart. If he does not receive. The proper care. I will do anything you say doctor. He needs a complete rest. A special diet and. Some

    medicines. Is rheumatic fever. Contagious. No it is not contagious. But itseems to run in certain families. We don't know exactly why. But science is making great progress. And we may soon know the reason. How long will Johnny have to stay in bed. As long as the disease. Is active. But don't worry Mrs Black. It may be only one or two weeks. Do you really think so yes. I think so.Here are the prescription and. The diet and. Please follow the instructions.That I have written there. Yes doctor. I will do that. I must go now. Good bye. Mrs Black. Good bye doctor. And thank you. The numbers. Numbers that express one or more than one thousand. Are just as easy to form. As those that express. Hundreds. Examples one thousand. One thousand forty five. Two thousand and three. Five thousand one hundred sixteen. Eight thousand nine hundred thirty two. Ten thousand and twenty seven thousand five hundred ninety eighty one thousand two hundred fifty five one hundred thousand two hundred thirty six th

    ousand one hundred twenty five four hundred seventeen thousand nine hundred thirty two seven hundred seventy one thousand. Ninety nine nine hundred eighty twothousand seven hundred six. There is a very practical way to express other numbers. By indicating hundreds. For example one thousand nine hundred forty four. Or just one thousand nine hundred forty four twenty six hundred seventy eight. Or just twenty six seventy eight. First second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth. To take. I take a book. I take a book to John. They have taken a table. We have taken a table to the house. He was taken to the hospital. To be on duty. He was on duty. Sometimes in such a manner. To be right. You are right. He is right. I was right. Right now. Lately. I have learned many new things. Lately. A man without education. Is like a garden without. Flowers. }
