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  • 1. 3Material AICLE. 3 de E.S.O.: Football or soccer Identificacin del material AICLE CONSEJERA DE EDUCACIN Direccin General de Participacin e Innovacin Educativa Football or soccerTTULO A2 NIVEL LINGSTICO SEGN MCER InglsIDIOMA Educacin FsicaREA / MATERIA Actividades en el medio naturalNCLEO TEMTICO 3 de Educacin Secundaria CORRESPONDENCIA CURRICULAR 10 sesiones. TEMPORALIZACIN APROXIMADA El ftbol, como el deporte, posee un carcter educativo, por ser un instrumento adecuado para la mejora de las capacidades que pretende esta materia y porque supone actividades que fomentan la colaboracin, la participacin y el desarrollo de actitudes dirigidas hacia la solidaridad, la cooperacin y la no discriminacin. Es importante conocer las reglas del juego, dimensiones del campo y equipamiento, faltas y sanciones; para posteriormente tratar tcnica y la tctica, haciendo hincapi en la posicin de los jugadores y sistemas bsicos en ftbol. GUIN TEMTICO - Competencia social y ciudadana - Competencia cultural y artstica - Conocimiento e interaccin con el medio fsico y natural - Competencia para la autonoma e iniciativa personal - Comunicacin lingstica - Competencia y actitudes para seguir aprendiendo de forma autnoma COMPETENCIAS BSICAS Material didctico en formato PDFFORMATO Jos Ramn Arredondo PrezAUTORA

2. 4 Material AICLE. 3 de E.S.O.: Football or soccer Tabla de programacin AICLE - Conocer y aceptar el funcionamiento del propio cuerpo y el de los otros, respetar las diferencias, afianzar los hbitos de cuidado y salud corporales e incorporar la edu- cacin fsica y la prctica del deporte para favorecer el desarrollo personal y social. Valorar crticamente los hbitos sociales relacionados con la salud contribuyendo a su conservacin y mejora. OBJETIVOS - Rules of the game - Field and equipment - Free kicks - Player Pospositions - Technical football TEMA - Conocer y realizar actividades relacionadas con el ftbol, aplicando los fundamentos reglamentarios tcnicos y tcticos en situaciones de juego, con progresiva autonoma en su ejecucin - Mostrar habilidades y actitudes sociales de respeto, trabajo en equipo y deportividad en la participacin en actividades de ftbol, independientemente de las diferencias culturales, sociales y de habilidad - Tener una actitud crtica del ftbol como fenmeno social y cultural TAREAS - Mejorar la ejecucin de los aspectos tcnicos, aceptando el nivel alcanzado. Se evaluar la progresin de las capacidades y se observar si hace autoevaluacin ajustada de su nivel de ejecucin, y si es capaz de resolver con eficacia los problemas motores planteados - Realizar la accin motriz en funcin de la fase de juego de ataque o defensa. El alumnado deber demostrar que en ataque intenta conservar el baln, avanzar y conseguir gol, seleccionando las acciones tcnicas adecuadas; y en situaciones de defensa intenta recuperar la pelota, frenar el avance y evitar gol. Tambin concienciacin de importancia social del ftbol y cultural y del trabajo en equipo y la cooperacin CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIN - Relacionar elementos tcnico-tcticos en el ftbol - Clasificar las diferentes sistemas de juego y posicin de los jugadores - Diferenciar los diferentes controles y golpeos - Describir la importancia social y cultural del ftbol MODELOS DISCURSIVOS CONTENIDOS LINGSTICOS FUNCIONES: - Comparar tcticas - Razonar decisiones - Atraer le atencin del interlocutor ESTRUCTURAS: - Present simple - Imperative LXICO: ball, goal, playing field soccer shoes, foul line, team, goalkeeper/ goalie, defense,attack counter attack, forward, to shoot, to slip, to fall, to block, to control, to pass, to shoot,offense, players trainer, penalty - El cuerpo, actividad fsica y salud II - Capacidades fsicas coordinativas - Atletismo III - Ftbol II - Actividades fsicas recreativas malabares y unihockey - Baloncesto - Actividades en la naturaleza CONTENIDOS DE CURSO / CICLO 3. 5Material AICLE. 3 de E.S.O.: Football or soccer CONTENTS A. Rules B. Field and Equipment C. Player positions D. Technical football - Kicking the ball - Controlling the Ball - Football Talk, Triangles, Formations UNIT 6 FOOTBALL 4. 6 Material AICLE. 3 de E.S.O.: Football or soccer WORKSHEET 1: In the US they use the word soccer to talk about what we call football. You will hear a woman talking about the rules of SOCCER. Complete the sentences below: 1. Basic soccer _____ are pretty simple to follow, the team that scores the most goals _____! 2. Each team has ___ starting players. 3.The game is played on a soccer pitch, or_____ , which is normally just over_______ long, although sometimes youth games use shorter pitches. 4. Soccer teams are normally split into groups: the_______ , goalkeeper and ________. 5. Soccer games consist of two halves lasting ____ minutes each. 6. If it is a very important game, like a world cup final for example, and there is a tie after 90 minutes then extra time is added: _____ periods of ______ minutes each. If the teams are still tied at this stage, the game becomes a penalty shot competition 7. In a penalty shoot out each team nominates ____________ kickers who will try and kick the ball past the goalkeeper from the penalty spot (___ metres) until one team wins. 8. During the game the ________ has the power to warn players and issue yellow and ____ cards. 9. A red card can be issued directly for serious __________ or denying an opponent the opportunity to score a goal. 10. Each team has to have a minimum of ______ players on the field. If one team has more than ______ players sent off, the game is abandoned. 11. One of the most important basic rules of soccer is the ________ rule which prevents attacking players from gaining an unfair advantage 12. The referee has two assistants (previously known as_________) on either side of the field to help judge the offside rule. 5. 7Material AICLE. 3 de E.S.O.: Football or soccer WORKSHEET 2: Field and Equipment Match the words and the images: 1. goal .......... 2. field .......... 3. ball ............ 4. socks....... 5. football boots.... 6. shirt....... 7. shorts....... 8. shin pads......... A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) 6. 8 Material AICLE. 3 de E.S.O.: Football or soccer WORKSHEET 3: Player positions Write the names of the players in their positions on the field below: Defender or Backs: Players who usually stay in the defensive third of the field. Fullback: a rear defender. Forward: Players who do most of the scoring. Striker: Generally the same as a forward, though it sometimes refers to a forward who is the teams best scorer. Goalkeeper, Goalie or Keeper: The player directly in front of the goal who tries to stop balls entering the net; they are the only player allowed to use their hands and arms. Midfielder:Aplayer generally positioned in the middle third of the field (Central Midfielder) between the forwards and defenders. They can attack (Attacking Midfielder) and defend (Defensive Midfielder). 7. 9Material AICLE. 3 de E.S.O.: Football or soccer WORKSHEET 4: Kicking a Soccer Ball 1. Passing for accuracy 2. Shooting hard and fast shots Practice some passing and shooting exercices with a partner. Then complete the table below: Approaching the Ball A) straight on / B) 45 degree angle Which part of the foot should kick the ball? A) side of foot (between toe and heel) / B) instep Where to hit the ball A) at the equator / B) above the equator How to follow through A) aggressively through the ball / B) body weight over the ball Kicking distance A) short to moderate distances / B) moderate to long distances Passing Shooting 8. 10 Material AICLE. 3 de E.S.O.: Football or soccer WORKSHEET 5: Controlling the Ball Practice some controlling exercises with a partner then complete the checklist below: - Inside foot - toe up / ankle locked up. Outside foot, ankle locked down. - Look around you before you receive the ball. Is anyone near? - Look at the ball at the moment of contact - Decide whether to pass or dribble - Prepare the ball away from pressure - Which direction? - How far? When controlling the ball, do you a) use more ankle locked up b) use more ankle locked down c) use another part of your body Do you check around you before receiving the ball Yes No Do you look at the ball at the specific moment of contact Yes No When controlling the ball, do you pass more or dribble more? Pass Dribble Do you prepare the ball away from pressure correctly Yes No 9. 11Material AICLE. 3 de E.S.O.: Football or soccer WORKSHEET 6: Dribbling Practice some dribbling exercises with your friends. After, complete the following observation check-list: Observers name: ____________________________________________ Players name: ___________________________________________ Look up / peripheral vision to see the ball good bad Every step is a touch ( Messi is a good example) good bad S/he moves the ball with all parts of their feet Side of foot, the arch, instep, front part of foot near the toes, back part of foot (under the anklebone), not near the toes Arms out for balance good bad Knees bent good bad Stooped over the ball / Low center of gravity good bad S/he uses quick changes of direction and acceleration good bad 10. 12 Material AICLE. 3 de E.S.O.: Football or soccer WORKSHEET 7: Football Talk, Triangles, Formations In the middle of the field, play 3x3,4x4, 5x5 and try to use football words like square, support, cover, cross, clear, turn, help, mark ... ? B A At the other end of the pitch, play 2x1 and 3x2. This is the ball , these are the players . Put players A and B into the best position for scoring (make a formation with the player with the ball). 11. 13Material AICLE. 3 de E.S.O.: Football or soccer WORKSHEET 8: What is this formation called? Play with your friends and listen to your teacher. 12. 14 Material AICLE. 3 de E.S.O.: Football or soccer WORKSHEET 9: What is this formation called? Play with your friends and listen to your teacher. Which formation do you like more? Why? 13. 15Material AICLE. 3 de E.S.O.: Football or soccer WORKSHEET 10: Label the fields with the systems of play, pay attention to lines and player positions: A) 3-4-3 B) 5-3-2 C) 4-1-3-1 D) 4-3-2-1 A) C) B) D) 14. 16 Material AICLE. 3 de E.S.O.: Football or soccer PROYECT In pairs, look for information about football as a social and cultural phenomenon. Use magazines and newspapers, books and the internet. Design a poster on The Importance of Football as a Social and Cultural Phenomenon with drawings, illustrations and short texts. Present your poster to the rest of the class. Make sure you include Conclusions in your presentation. 15. 17Material AICLE. 3 de E.S.O.: Football or soccer SELF ASSESSMENT Read and tick where appropriate YES NOT YET NOT SURE I can recognize spoken and written words and expressions related to the content of the lesson. I can report information from this unit both orally and in writing. I can talk about different aspects of this unit providing my own opinion or views. I can speak about some of the relevant themes in the unit. I can write and do projects about the topics in the unit.